one more moment

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Tonight was the Chance City Presidential Debate, and Chloe was nervous. So nervous, in fact, that she had let Kimberly take her shopping for one new dress suit. And had been stunned when Kimberly charged it to the campaign credit card. Chloe was wearing it now. It was a dark navy pencil dress with a crisp white trim that stopped just below Chloe's knees. The accompanying jacket had been fitted to Chloe's waist and made her look delicate and feminine. She wore the stolen nude Christian Louboutins, and had even swiped a demure shade of lipgloss on. Her hair was pinned neatly back, the way she had seen her mother do many times before. When Kimberly had seen her, the woman had given Chloe an appreciative grin and remarked, "You look like a First Lady if I've ever seen one." Chloe had to admit - that had felt good.

She climbed the steps into the University of Chance, and checked her campaign issued Black Berry. There were seven new e-mails waiting for her, and one of them had the information she had been looking for all week. Benjamin's updated talking points. Chloe chewed on the inside of her lip.

She opened the e-mail, and read it quickly. Then, she darted into the University and made her way to the atrium that had been dedicated to Benjamin Stone.

"Have you seen Benjamin?" she asked Nancy, who was speaking intently into her headset. Nancy shook her head 'no,' as she continued to bark orders into the headset. Chloe frowned. From what she had witnessed, Benjamin was an excellent public speaker. But this was the first time he would be encountering Frederick Rodney head-on, and that was enough to make even Benjamin nervous. Chloe frowned and surveilled the room again. He was nowhere to be found.

From her personal phone, Chloe shot Benjamin a quick text.

Chloe G. Han [8:02:19 PM]: Where are you? Hope you're not getting in your head.
Benjamin Stone [8:02:59 PM]: Men's bathroom, busy getting into my head. Do you think it's too late to drop out of the race?
Benjamin Stone [8:03:05 PM]: We could get married...I'll be a stay at home dad, you'll work for the Times
Benjamin Stone [8:03:07 PM]: Just say the word...

Chloe rolled her eyes. She was standing outside of the men's bathroom door.

Chloe G. Han [8:03:46 PM]: Very professional. Hope you're decent, I'm coming in.

She waited a beat. And then another. And then pushed the door open to find Benjamin standing in front of the sink, running one hand through his hair, holding his phone in the other. He looked up at her and smiled, but Chloe could see the nerves in his eyes. He let out a low whistle.

"Wow, you look...amazing."

Chloe flushed a delicate pink, but ignored him.

"Why are you hiding in here?" she asked, her heels clicking on the tile as she approached him. He was dressed to kill, a sharp navy suit and a ruby red tie. He'd gotten a fresh hair cut, and just looking at him was enough to make Grace warm and wet for him.

"I'm not hiding," Benjamin answered, still drinking in the sight of her. "I'm...strategizing."

Chloe couldn't help herself. She stepped closer to him. She was not a small woman. She was five feet and nine inches without her heels, but in them, she pushed just beyond six feet. And still, Benjamin was taller than her. But at this new vantage point, she could look into his eyes and see the gold flecks there that winked out at her. She could more fully appreciate the fullness of his lips, the line of his masculine jaw.

"Frederick doesn't stand a chance against you," Chloe murmured, trying to hold on to her professional decorum, but losing it with every second that passed. She was so close to him. Close enough to feel his breath on her face. Close enough to touch.

"Be my lucky charm, Chlo," Benjamin said, reaching out to caress the curve of her hip gently. His hand trailed down to the swell of her ass, the top of her thigh. He pulled her closer.

"What do you mean?" Chloe asked, wanting to be swept away by him. Not just by Benjamin, but by Senator Stone. He dipped his head down and kissed her deeply, with a heated urgency that she hadn't felt from him before. She laced her arms up around his neck, ran her fingers over his scalp in the way that she knew would send shudders down his spine. Desire hit her hard, low and wicked, and when he lifted her up to perch her on the edge of the sink, she didn't protest.

"Chloe," he said in a broken voice, as he dragged her against him to feel the weight of his erection. "I need you. Right now. If I'm going to do this, I need you."

Chloe wanted him to win. She needed him to win. If he didn't, it would mean that all of this, all of the heartache they had endured, had been in vain. So she was willing to fetch the moon for him if he asked it, as long as it meant he would win. She cupped his face in her hand, and crashed her lips to his; hot, wet, willing. She heard the soft clink of his belt buckle coming undone, then the soft hiss of his zipper. And then he was there; steel sheathed in velvet. Hard and thick and long and resting along the inside of her thigh.

"Are you sure?" he breathed, pulling away in a brief moment of clarity. But Chloe didn't want clarity. She didn't want to think. She wanted impulse and action and to be thoroughly fucked by the next leader of the free world.

"Please," she whimpered, wrapping her legs around him, pulling him closer. He hooked a thumb underneath her panties and pushed them to the side.

"Fuck, Chloe, you're so fucking wet." He lined himself up with her, and rolled the hard length of him against her entrance.

"Benjamin," she warned. She begged. Her skin was a thousand degrees, her thoughts were fuzzy. She clutched desperately at the last of her composure. He pushed into her with one swift stroke, capturing her gasp with his lips. She moaned against his mouth, wrapping her legs around him more tightly, clutching his shoulders with her arms. He pumped smooth, long strokes into her; harder and quicker with each push. She met him stroke for stroke, groaning her waves of pleasure into his neck.

He tugged at the nape of her neck, tilting her chin up so that he could kiss her, open mouthed and fully as he thrust into the warm cavern at the apex of her thighs. Chloe was trembling, her knees were weak. Her orgasm had begun to build, first at the base of her stomach, then spreading until it made her feel light and giddy. She was at the precipice, ready to jump off of the cliff into a pleasure that only Benjamin could bring her.

"Come for me, Chloe," he grunted in her ear as he dropped one skilled hand to the hood of her clit. Three pressured strokes, and Chloe had to bite Benjamin's arm to keep from screaming. She felt the warmth of his release spread into her, familiar as his kiss. He kissed her over and over again, stilling inside of her, but reluctant to pull away. She closed her eyes and savored the moment. Savored that only she was able to bring that peace into his eyes that she saw now. "Thank you," he whispered over and over.

Chloe reached over and pulled some paper towels from the dispenser. Benjamin pulled away from her and tucked himself neatly back into his pants as Chloe cleaned herself up.

"Go," she said to him as she tossed the paper towels into the trash. "Go and win this debate." Benjamin met her gaze in the mirror, and for a moment he saw the Chloe that he had first fallen in love with. The crazy, impulsive, driven girl, who let nothing and no one get in her way. She was back. She was here. With him. He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

And when he left the bathroom, Chloe couldn't help her self-satisfied smile.

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