Question 1

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Me: *Pulls out phone, reads request* Okay first question and it's for both of you! Who do you think will make the first move?

Yellow: As in?

Me: As in... Who will kiss who first?

Blue: *Blushes* Ummmm....

Yellow: *Blushes angerly* Absolutely not! This is unacceptable!

Me: *Angerly* No Yellow! This amazing person just asked you guys a simple question! Not asking you to do a dare! Now sit down and let's figure this thing out!

Yellow: *Frustrated* Fine! *Goes over to sit down next to Blue*

Blue: *Still in a blushing phase*

Me: *Takes deep breath* Now let's try this again.. Who will kiss who first?

Blue: *Looks at Yellow* I would think that Yellow would kiss me first...

Yellow: What?!

Blue: *Nods* Yes, I do.. Because I know the real you, Yellow.. You may look all mean and tough but really on the inside your so sweet, kind and very adorable to be with... *Giggles sweetly*

Yellow: *Blushes and doesn't know what to say.. Mouth Slightly ajar*

Blue: *Smiles as she caressed Yellow's blushing cheek*

Yellow: Blue...

Blue: *Leans in slowly, kissing Yellow's lips*

Me: *Gasps and mouths quietly* Plot twist!

Blue: *Smiles at Yellow before getting up to leave the room*

Yellow: *Doesn't takes her eyes off of Blue*

Me: *About to cry happy tears*

Yellow: *Looks at me, annoyed* What?!

Me: *Wipes tears away* It was so beautiful!

Yellow: *Blushes angerly, looks away* Whatever... *Gets up and leaves as well*

Me: *Still crying* I'm sorry, I'm just so emotional right now... *Sniffs* Please go right ahead and Ask or Dare...

Requested by: HopeTheCoyote

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