Part 2 - Your sick.

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//Dave's POV//

Zak is sick.
Bad sick.
I'm so worried about him, that I can't do anything. Can't edit videos. Can't livestream. Everything I do, I fail, because I'm so worried about him. I... I love him. He's... amazing. And I need to take care of him. He's ill, and can't take care of himself on his own. I have an idea, I thought, opening discord.
hey, can I move in with u? I need to take care of u
ur sick
and bad isn't there
yse, ehs nt hre
u cn cmoe ovr if u wnat
I ndee to aks bad frst
//Zak's POV//
He wants to move in?
He wants to... live with me and bad?
My mind swirled. My hands shook. There was so many different emotions in my head — I can't comprehend. There was new emotions, and already known ones. I turned a mixture of magenta and pink. I need to go on a walk, get my mind off things.
As I tried to get up off the couch, my knees wobbled and I was instantly sat back down. "Mmmmph.." I said, tiredly, and I put a pillow into my face, smothering myself.
"I regret everything..... going outside, making friends, everything." I mumbled, trying not to cry. My knees ached from trying to stand up. "Dave....".

//Dave's POV//

I can't believe I'm actually doing this.
I finished getting ready and got in my car. I put the keys into the side of the wheel and turned on the engine.
Without thinking, I left, not putting on my seatbelt. Zak's house is only 30 minutes away.
I pulled up in the driveway and locked my car when I got out. Woah, big apartment.
I took out my phone and texted Zak.
hey, I'm outside, what number are u in?
numbr 14
wow how unlucky
I opened the door to the apartments and went to the front desk.
"Hi, can you show me where the stairs are?" I said politely, trying not to sweat. I was so worried.
"We do not have stairs, we only have elevators. They are to your left." Said the man at the front desk.
Oh no.

//Zak's POV//
where is he? Did he get lost?
I gave him the room number. Surely he knows how to use elevators?
Wait... doesn't he have a fear of elevators?
I got a text from Dave two minuts later.
|     Technopiggy.                  |
|   hey, what's ur room code?  |
I instantly replied,
"It's 1838."
I heard my apartment door unlocking, and the sigh of relief coming from the stranger.
I turned my head, using my arms to twist me around on the sofa, to look at who had entered.
A tall, brunette man.
He had hazel eyes, and pale skin.
Is that Dave?
//Dave's POV//
I sighed of relief, opening the door with the code. I stood in the open doorway, staring at the sick Zak.
I'd already seen him on his streams.
He had raven hair and tan skin, and brown eyes.
He was so lovely, and I needed to take care of him.
We stared at eachother in silence for roughly 15 seconds before Zak broke the silence.
"So um, who are... you?"
"Zak, it's me, Dave."
I saw Zak's face light up, but then he immediatly sneezed.
"Do you always sneeze like Kirby?" I said, closing the door and heading over to the sofa he was on.
"Noooooooooooo~." He exclaimed, making sure I knew he wasn't Kirby.
He's so cute....

Word count: 595

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