Chapter (lol i forgot) - idk lmao

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//Zak's POV//

I woke up refreshed at around 7:30.
"I'm up early." I laughed to myself, standing up and changing.
As I walked downstairs, I heard giggles coming from the kitchen.
I walked in, unsurprised to see Vincent and Darryl staring at their pets, laughing hysterically at how they were fighting. You morons...
I suddenly got a text from Finn, saying that he wanted to meet up.

um ok but y

no reason, just want u to meet some1

uh ok thn lmao

That's strange.
"Good morning, skep!" Darryl said, the happiness in his voice.
"Hi bad.. hi Frenchie." I said, not in the mood. I don't know why I wasn't very happy, but only Darryl caught on. "Okie dokie." He continued making breakfast.


hello friends
I don't really like this story
so I'm just gonna make a new one, a better one
so like
if u wanna see that, go ahead and look for it lmao
ily loads

word count: 167

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