The secret

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Jack runs out of the house, which was an abandoned old shed, and into the dark, cloudy/foggy, and creepy woods. Maggy's ghost shows up a few feet in front of him walking from behind a tree, looks at Jack, turns around, and walks away. Jack follows her, she leads him to the opened part in the woods and Jack sees his car. Jack rushes to it, opens it, starts the car, and drives to the police station. He ran into Detective Rogger, Detective Rogger said "Hi, J..." He paused and had a concerned look on his face.

     He finally spoke, "Jack what happened to you?" Jack had a swollen eye, a fractured jaw, and beaten up arms. Jack spoke weakly, "I got attacked by a dark figure and token to a basement. It was all dark I couldn't see anything." While Jack spoke, blood came slowly out of his mouth.

      Jack thought to himself, should I tell Rogger about Maggy's ghost? No, he will think I'm crazy and he wouldn't believe me. Let's just keep it a secret for now. Jack stayed silent and then he saw a white light in his mind and he passed out. Detective Rogger yelled "Jack!!" "Jack stay with me!"

     Jack made a slight and quiet groan and stayed silent. Detective Rogger held Jack in his arms and called the ambulance. 10 minutes later, Jack arrived at the Hospital and he opened his eyes slowly. He woke up and looked around, he saw white walls, a small 4 inch TV, and Hospital instruments. He felt under him and felt sheets, he looked down and saw a white bed.

      He tried to remember how he got here and what happened but he couldn't process what happened and why he was here. His mind was just blank. In an instant, a white light came into his mind again, he held his head and heard ringing and along with the ringing he heard whispers. They sounded like a female's whisper, he knew the white light belonged to Maggy, but he couldn't figure out who the whispering belonged to. Out of no where, the lights blew out and glass shattered everywhere.

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