He isn't giving up

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     Hey guys, I'm sorry for not posting sooner, school is a drag... on the other hand I have made this for u guys, sorry for making I wait.


Jack looked in the hallway and squinted. He saw white figures floating from room to room, he got up from the bed slowly and walked towards the white figures. A few came up to him and moved away, frightened after they figured out that he can see them, others came up and went through him. Jack stopped and felt his self and he sighed in relief, knowing that his body is still there, he kept walking through the dark hallway. After being floated through by some and scaring other ghosts away, he came to the corner of the hallway.

He leaned his head around the corner and saw a black figure at the end of the hallway. After realizing what it was, Jack gripped the corner of the wall and turned quickly to the opposite direction. He ran as much as he could, but suddenly, sense he was badly injured he couldn't go far. His vision started to become blurry. He felt heavy and he lost his balance.

He fell on the floor head first and passed out. Before he was fully asleep he heard and saw black shoes. He tried to keep his eyes open but his eyes were to heavy. He only got a glimpse of the blurry black shoes in front of his face before he dozed off and closed his eyes running off into a deep sleep. He felt hisself being dragged by his feet; on the cold, creepy, floor.

He tried to open his eyes but he couldn't, he just layed there, helplessly, while getting dragged and to weak to get away, to weak to defend hisself and break free from the black figures tight grip. The black figure didn't hesitate to allow Jack to hit the wall on every turn, some he made Jack hit on purpose and hard. In fact, he injoyed hearing Jack grunt and wince in pain and hearing his already broken bones become more broken. He got dragged for what felt to Jack like hours before Jack woke up in a trunk of a vehicle.

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