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I pulled on my bootie. I tied the shoe and placed my bag on my bed. I took out my geography notebook and tied up my bag. I grabbed my phone plugging in my headphones and headed out the door behind my sister. I closed the door and walked over to Jack's house. "April, are you riding with us? We're supposed to be getting Starbucks," I asked my sister.


I knocked on Jack's door and opened the door. I told April to just sit on the couch while I went upstairs.

I knocked on his door and walked in. He was in his briefs and doing his hair. I picked out his outfit and then went into his bathroom. "Hey babe. Why are you still doing your hair? It looks great." I hugged him from behind. "Plus, it's about time to leave if we're getting Starbucks."

He turned around and kissed my forehead. I wrapped my arms around his shirtless waist. "It'd be less awkward if I was wearing pants," he laughed.

"Get some pants on then boy. I picked out your whole outfit." I threw his pants at him mainly because I wanted to see him shirtless the longest I could.

"Stop staring," he laughed after pulling his khakis up.

"I could, but I won't even try."

He finished getting dressed and grabbed his bag. We walked downstairs. April stood up, still on Twitter. "Stop stalking Nash and get in the backseat," I laughed. Jack opened the door for April and I. We walked into the semi-cold atmosphere. Jack closed the door and opened our doors and ran to his side and slid and started the ignition. He turned on the heat and backed out of the driveway. I plugged my phone into his aux-cord to play my music in the car. I played the song The A Team by Ed Sheeran and I sang along quietly. I scrolled through the typical morning mirror selfies and Jack grabbed my left hand and laced our fingers together.

"So are you guys official yet or what?" April looked up from her phone.

"I mean I guess you could say that, but Mr. Hot Boy hasn't asked officially yet," I looked back at her.

"I will, but for now, let's just say we're like fiancés," he smiled a very cheeky smile. We pulled into the parking lot of Starbucks and Jack insisted to open our doors. We walked inside and I told Jack what to get me a white chocolate latte. I sat down in a corner with April while Jack told them our names. He stood up there waiting for the drinks. Once our drinks were done, he grabbed the drinks and we walked out thanking the baristas.

I plugged my phone back in and played the same song as before. I grabbed my drink and was ready to take a picture of it, but my name wasn't written on it.

"Jack, you might've ruined someone's day by grabbing the wrong cup," I said seriously. I set my cup in the cup holder.

"I'm pretty sure you're not upset about me asking you to be official."

"What? You're kidding me right. Are you serious?"

"Why would I fool my best friend like this?"


"Well now I'm not driving," he parked in the school parking lot.

April and Jack got out of the car and Jack ran over to my side of the car. He opened the passenger door for me, but instead of getting out I turned towards him because he was holding a rose out for me. I jumped out of the car into his arms.

"So, are we making it official?" he asked with huge grin on his face.

"Duh!" I kissed his forehead, nose, cheeks, then his lips. "I love you so much." I had a huge grin on my face and was probably super red. I buried my face into his neck and he placed his chin on my shoulder. About thirty seconds later, my phone buzzed in my hands. "Can I get down now?" I asked.

He placed me on the ground and I grabbed my phone and opened the camera asking April to take a picture of us. I wrapped my arms around Jack's waist and he did the same. She took a few pictures. I thanked her and checked who texted me. It was April. I opened the message and it was a picture of me in Jack's arms with my head buried in his neck. It was so cute. I thanked her again.

I grabbed my drink from the open car and shut the door. I opened the trunk, grabbing my bag.

I needed another great picture. I told Jack to stand still with his feet together. I held my Starbucks about a foot away from my phone. I took a picture and opened camera roll, looking at the picture. In the background, Jack's feet and a bit of his khakis were blurred out and my cup was the focus. It had the question on the cup: "Should we make it official?". I loved the picture so much. I loved him so much.

April had already walked inside the school. I picked my bag up from the ground and placed the straps on my shoulders. I grabbed the hand of Jack's, which was not holding his hot chocolate. I slid my phone in my back pocket and Jack put his in his right front pocket. We walked into the side doors and begun my day with glares from the Junior class whore.


Yo yo yo! So today I want to rant a little and give you a laugh. the hot boy in gym (we'll call him j) the freshman class whore (we'll call her whore). J was walking and whore caught up with him and I was a little disappointed bc I thought he wanted to talk to her but it ended up that she was talking to him and he kept talking to be nice and then after we stopped walking he said "that girl is cRAZY" AND MY FRIEND TOLD ME THIS IN THE LOCKER (WHAT HE SAID) AND I WAS SO FUCKING RELIEVED. But yeah funny story, whore thought she was getting some. SO ITS OFFICIAL RACHEL AND JACK ARE TOGWTHER FINALLY okay leave me your opinions and comments about the chapter and i love all of you pretty people.

okay i need to be serious for a minute. i have been like sad a lot and i get upset over the little things and im not happy where i am and i need help i just dont know where to get it if ya know i mean. so i need y'all's help por favor. my friends are all fucking jerks all of the time.

so i love this beautiful human being reading this rn. -racheal

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