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"UGH, What is it now?" Sol said as she got up to her bed then look at her phone, "ohh it's dad" She pick the call and got shocked by the sudden shout,

"Good Morning! My dear Sol!" Senzaemon shouted,

"Good morning too, What it is?",

"Did you forgot?",

"About what?",

"Our Agreement! You forgot it do you?!",

"Oh that, I don't forgot I just don't have time ",


"I'm not lying",

"then go here now?!",

"I don't want to",

"please go here now",

"Why?!, I can come tomorrow!",

"But the entrance ceremony start tomorrow, and your flight is 12 hours so when you leave tomorrow you won't be joining the entrance ceremony!",

"Ok, fiiiinnneee but make sure you got my room clean and my private kitchen(s) to get clean too, oh! It must have food too",

"ok, be safe ok?, and don't forget to cook for me!",

"Yeah, ok",

"Bye! See you soon",


"Now let's get packed then shower"
Sol finished packing her clothes in 2 hours and also clean her snives. After she showered she put her clothes;
Black cap, Black sweater, denim shorts, black socks and ruber shoes.

Sol pick up her knives case and her black duffle bag

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Sol pick up her knives case and her black duffle bag. She reached the airport then took her flight ticket out her pocket staring at it "Baka (idoit) dad, I'm planning to fly there now, I'm just messing with you" Sol thought as she get in.

After 12 hours, Sol is in Japan now (yey!) She got out of the airport then wait for her ride.

A black limo stopped in front of her, the driver got out took her duffle bag and knives case then open the door, she got in.

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