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It's been two days since the cook off /deal of the zero and first seat

Sol is in her room staring at her ceiling , she suddenly jolted up

'Maybe I ask Eishi on a date? He can't say no to me 'cause his my servant, but we can't give to a restaurant 'cause "he can't eat food that he didn't cook" ...... Hmmmm..... Maybe I ask him to a dinner then we eat to our garden! It would be fantastic specially when there's fairy lights! I should plan it out!' Sol thought

She picked up her phone then called the maid to tell her about her plan and to get ready and set it up

After that she dialed Eishi that immediately answered

"Hey Eishi! Wanna go to a little friend date?" Sol asked on the other line of the phone

"S-sure, what time and where?" Eishi asked

"8:00 pm at the Nakiri household.... I'll pick up, ok?"

"O-ok" He replied

"Bye! See you soon!"

"Y-yeah" After that the called end

Sol get up and went out of her room, she went down stairs to check for ingredients after that she called the staff/maid to decorate the garden and make it beautiful

When the clock striked at 6 she went to the kitchen and cook!

After she cook for about 1hour and 50 minutes she get to that car the tell the driver to go to the Tsukasa household

When they arrived Eishi is walking out of the door, she waved at him and when he got in front of her she hug him (poor boy getting red again) after that they got in then go to the Nakiri household

When they arrived Sol lead him to tha garden that has fairy lights around it 

When they arrived Sol lead him to tha garden that has fairy lights around it 

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They sat down (Eishi is busy admiring the fairy lights)

Shortly enough the food arrived

Shortly enough the food arrived

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