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Sol has woken up by her alarm, "ugh, it's entrance ceremony today, how troublesome" Sol said as she got up then go to the bathroom to take a bath, After that she changed in her uniform but she didn't buttoned her blazer, instead she hang it in her shoulder, her skirt reach in her Mid-tigh, she also has her thigh-high socks and her shoes. She took her phone and airpods then put it in her skirt pocket.

She got out of her room, while she's walking down the stairs she encountered Erina and Hisako.

"Uhh, excuse me miss but what are you doing in here?, and why are you not wearing properly the Tōtsuki uniform?" Hisako said while raising her brow.

"I'll answer that when I get my breakfast" Sol replied as she walked away

Sol reached the dinning room, she say down then eat her breakfast, which she finished before the two girls sat down.

"Umm miss, can you answer my question now?" Hisako exclaimed

Before Sol could answer, someone come in then sat at the lead sit.

"Hisako-san to answer your questions, Sol is in here because she's a Nakiri and she didn't have to do anything in the rules because she's in higher position than you two" Senzaemon answer.

"Grandfather, how come I didn't know her?" Erina said.

"It's because your always busy testing or cooking, and if you're not busy, she's in other country" Senzaemon stated.

"So... Is her my cousin?" Erina questioned.

"No, she's your aunt and don't call her aunt, she might kill you" Senzaemon said turning pale

Erina and Hisako is shock.

"That means you adopted her" Erina asked

"Yeah" Senzaemon said bluntly

"I'm going now" Sol announced

"Wait my daughter, wait for me" Senzaemon said running off

The two girls followed them and they go to school.

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"Ugh, so troublesome " I groan as I walked up the stage.

"Hello, everyone I'm Sol Nakiri, as you can see I'm one of the top student and valedictorian" *smile* "Also I'm an angel if your good and I'm a devil if not" *smile evily* "mada mada Dana"
I said as I walk out with a murderous aura.

(Like this but more dangerous)

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(Like this but more dangerous)

I walk to the waiting area then sat down, pulling out my phone.

While I'm scrolling through facegram I heard Erina shouting, when I look up I saw a boy with red hair and yellow eyes.

"Uhh, sorry to interrupt but who are you?" I said as I walked towards the boy.

"Oh I'm Yukihira Soma, Nice to meet ya" He said grinning

"I'm Sol Nakiri, nice to meet you too" I said cracking a smile.

We shake hands and fist bump, after that I said my good bye to proceed to my class

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