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Ι Ɠυҽʂʂ, Ɯҽ Ⴆσƚԋ ɯιɳ
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[A/N: I have decided that it will be a tie, because it's a win-win situation who ever win ( ͡°з ͡°) ]

When the two finished plating their food , they put it in the table then stared at each others eyes

"Should we taste it? Together?" Sol suggested

"I— yeah.... Sure" Eishi said

The both of them took a bite of the others dish, every bite they ate at each dish their eyes sparkled (✨o✨)

"So..... Who win?" They asked the at same time then looked at each other

"Ugh you/ you.. I guess" They said at the same time again

They laugh a little then smile at each other

"I guess we both win" Sol said not looking away at him

"So... The deal....?" The blushing Eishi asked looking something that isn't her

"Well I cook for you every single day and you will be my servant" Sol declared (she's still looking at him)

" I-it's  g-getting late, let's go home after w-we finished eating " Eishi said still shy and getting flustered by Sol who is staring at his soul

"Sure!" Sol replied

After the two finished they rode a car silence then went to their respective household

Goddess •Eishi Tsuksa x Oc•Where stories live. Discover now