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As the class ended, Eishi asked Sol to a ride, which Sol accepted.

While they are in the middle of the ride Sol asked Eishi something;

"Mr.Tsukasa thank you for your hospitality and kindness but can I know why are you doing this?"

"Ahh it's because Chairman Nakiri said to take care of you" Eishi said blushing

"Ohh you don't need to do that and this, it's ok if you decline it and I know that you being a first seat has a lot a paper work"

"No, I insist doing this" Eishi said as he scratch his nape, shyly looking at Sol

"Of say so"

The driver said that they are here, Sol got out but before she closed the door she look at Eishi and motion him to get closer that he obeyed, when Eishi get closer to her she lower herself and kiss Eishi's cheek then say bye and close the door. At the mean time Eishi blink a few seconds the blush that makes him a tomato, he watch Sol got inside the manor and ba-dub ba-dub ba-dub, 'what is this feeling? I am sick? Is this because of the weather? The temperature?' His train of thoughts is cut of by the driver saying that they are here.

Tԋҽ ɳҽxƚ ԃαყ

Eishi is now getting ready to school, he stopped what he's doing when Sol popped in his mind (he's blushing)

'Uhh this feeling again' 'it feels weird but at same time feels good' 'wait, I'm having a deja vu in here' 'Did I say this in my mind?'

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