Chapter 8 Let The Training Begin

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I spent the whole day yesterday training and hanging out with the Stolls and then I gave Ken and Yzabella the tour. I was in front of the big house waiting for Chiron, with Travis and Connor. Chiron came out in centuar form, from the waist up he was a regular man in a party ponies t-shirt, and from the waist down he was a huge white stallion.

"Hello miss Dela Cruz, are you ready for your training?"

"Yes sir Chiron, I'm ready."

"Chiron can we come with Silvia? Please?" Travis pleaded with puppy eyes.

Chiron hesitated at first. He looked at me and saw that I may need support from Travis and Connor. "Alright fine, as long as you don't mess anything up." Chiron said.

I shot them a grateful look. Maybe without them I might be nervous and gods know what could happen.

Chiron led us to the arena with a bunch of dummies.

"Try to conjure up some ice or snow." Chiron instructed me, and I followed.

I raised my palm and I imagined snowflakes as I focused on my palm, and snowflakes shot up from my palm. I stepped back in surprise, but Chiron and the Stolls smiled.

"Well, that not half of what you can do." Chiron informed me still smiling. "Now try to make a snowball."

I moved my hands in a circular motion. Like there's an invisble crystal ball. Then a ball of snow formed in my hands but I continued to circle my hands around it and it became a massive snowball.

"Sir Chiron! What should I do next?" I asked, staring at the massive ball of snow

"Try to shoot it at one of the dummies." He replied.

I tried to but the force was so strong I wasn't ready, so I ended up shooting it at the Stolls.

"Look out!" I shouted as I reached my hand out, maybe I might be able to stop the massive snowball in midair. Unfortunately for them, I couldn't stop it.

"I'm so sorry, are you guys hurt?" I asked as I ran to their sides.

"That...." Travis said.

"Was....." Connor continued.

"AWESOME!!!" They shouted together. "Let's do it again." Travis said, with his mad scientist smile on his face. I gave them a later-when-Chiron-is-gone-look.

"Well miss Dela Cruz, I think you need more practice with the snowballs." Chiron said as he walked ummm..... I mean galloped to the Stolls to check if they were alright. "Try it again." Chiron told me.

This time I controlled the size of the snowball. I circled my hands until it was a little bigger than the average sized snowball. I shot it to one of the dummies, and it transformed in midair. I randomly imagined the snowballs having ice spikes around it, and when it reached the dummy it had spikes around it and it made a hole in the dummies chest.

"That was impressive miss Dela Cruz, considering you are a beginner." Chiron said. "That's enough with your ice powers. Now can you show me your selected weapon."

I grinned and eagerly unhooked my chain from my waist (those slots where you put your belt on). Chiron looked at me and I swung the end three times and it expanded in to a shield.

"Ah, a shield with blades for outlines, very nice choice." Chiron complimented.

"There's more." I

"Chiron! Chiron!" A boy with blonde hair came in the arena, Jason Grace, son of Jupiter.

"What is it Jason?" Chiron asked.

"The Romans have come and Reyna and Rachel wish to speak to you." Jason said.

"Tell her to wait for me in the big house." And with that Jason left the arena, running.

"Silvia, this might take awhile and I may not have time in the afternoon to train you. Carry on with tossing your shield and catching something with your chain and your ice powers. I'll call someone to help you with your other powers." Then he left

"Well, Chiron's gone. Wanna build a snowman?!" I happily asked, imitating Anna from Frozen.

"Yeah!!" The Stolls cheered.

I conjured up lots of snow just enough to make a few snowmen. We were in the middle of playing with the snow then a black figure appeared in front of us, we got so scared we threw all the snowballs I had which was twenty balls the Stolls had a pile. When the shadows faded away, standing in front of us was Nico, he looked annoyed and gave us a death glare. He brushed the snow off and without removing his death glare, he looked at me.

"Are you the one I'm supposed to train?" Nico asked. "Chiron Iris messaged me and said that I have to train somebody in the arena. I suppose it's you."

"Yeah, I'm already claimed" I told him as I conjured some snowflakes on my palm.

"You're a daughter of Khione?" He asked surprised. "I don't see how I can help you."


"Then who is your godly parent?" He asked.

"I'm your half sister. Hades is my dad too." I said smiling.

"Well." Nico said, his glare turning into a small, soft smile. The Stolls stared at Nico, obviously shocked. I guess they never saw Nico smile before. "Let's start training."


Well, let the training begin. Thank you guys for reading. Sorry for spelling and grammatical errors, I'm so sorry. Silvia can control ice and snow yayyyyyyyyyyy! I just wanna inform you guys I read what I'm writing before and after publishing so you might notice some changes when you read it again. Thank you again for reading and for all the support. See you guys in the next chapter. Please as always check out my friend's book "Unique" by Sean_Garing, when I said it was confusing I was joking, it's a good book. And I'm gonna write a new book please check it out thanks again for everything and see you guys in the next chapter. PEACE!!! :)


The character thingy is also still on.

Maybe you guys forgot 'cuz nobody has commented a character. Promise it's still on. So just comment.

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