{1} ~ Assignment

382 15 3

Finally, your day is almost over. 

Sweat cakes your brow as you trudge your way down the stairs to the ground floor. This is the home of the Nakamuras, a family with just enough money for necessities and a little extra. They have three children: all young boys who don't know how to pick up after themselves. When you started your shift, there were snack crumbs littering the floor, stray clothing, spills, and much more. Carefully, you navigated around each small toy piece that you see as to not injure yourself. The mother and father's room was relatively tidy, which felt like a break compared to the rest of the house. This residence was not the easiest to clean, but you were able to get it done in a reasonable time. If you were not getting paid above minimum wage, you would have a different position that didn't require dirty work such as this. It was certainly a lot of work, but you are able to manage it. 

Before leaving, you look around to see if there was anything that you missed. The home is practically spotless, how you usually leave it. Satisfied with your work, you pull your cell phone out and dial your boss, Daisuke. Usually, it goes right to voicemail and you can state that you completed your assignment. This time, however, he answers up. 

"Hello?" His voice is groggy but pipes up after recognizing your voice. "Ah, you're finally done? Great."

He lets out a sigh before continuing. "Listen, I know you wanted a day off tomorrow but I have an important assignment that we can't pass up. They're paying a lot of money for this, so maybe I'll give you a bonus if you do it."

You can't help but roll your eyes. Did someone pay more than usual? He's most likely being dramatic. Then again, what if that was true? It was quite unusual since most of the clients are either low or middle class. Many paid the average amount or negotiated for a discount. Perhaps your boss saw an opportunity to make the maid service grow and found a possible benefactor. You are considered to be the best among your co-workers, so it's only natural that he would want you to do this. 

You ask about the client, and he responds, "You're not gonna believe this. It's the Togami Conglomerate."

As soon as you hear the name, your breath gets caught in your throat. The Togami family wants service from the place you work for? This has to be some kind of hoax. There's no way one of the wealthiest companies would ask a small, local cleaning service to serve them. Especially one that isn't too well known. Maybe it is someone who claimed to be related to the Togamis for the sake of getting a discount. Then again, Daisuke isn't the type to accept shady contracts that don't guarantee him a decent income. He is always careful to check the client's information to ensure the maids' safety. Although the promise of a bonus may be empty, there is a good chance that the family will tip well. 

Daisuke chuckles when you express your disbelief. "Yeah, I know. It's huge. I reacted the same way. This is big for us, so don't let me down. You need to be there by nine in the morning. That should be when the family is at work. You might see some of their staff members, but don't worry about them. They won't interrupt you."

After listening to the directions and special requests from the family, you express your gratitude for the offer and agree to take it. He provides you with the address and finishes the conversation. Once you hang up, you cannot help but smile to yourself. Finally, an easy task. If this goes well, perhaps your income will be raised or you will be given a promotion. No longer will you have to struggle to pay rent and bills. After three years of working as a maid, living in comfort is finally in your future. 

While thinking about what you might be able to do after getting a good tip, you leave and head home for the day. 

The following morning, you wake at the crack of dawn to prepare for your assignment. You make sure your uniform has no wrinkles and that you look your very best. While looking at yourself in the mirror, you practice your bowing and your courtesy. Anticipation claws at your chest as you go about your morning routine while humming a cheerful tune to yourself.  You drink a little more coffee than usual to ensure you are awake and alert. Everything has to work in your favor today, no matter what. The Togami's standards will most likely be extremely high, so they will expect nothing less than perfection. Although you haven't researched the conglomerate, you suspect they will be a typical wealthy family. Stuck up, high maintenance, everything of the sort. Daisuke was right to choose you, and you must make sure that doesn't change. 

As soon as you are ready, you go to your car and navigate to the Togami home. The further you drive, the more foreign your surroundings become. Gradually, the buildings around you become more pristine and beautiful to look at. Each pedestrian is dressed in outfits you can only hope to afford. Anxiety begins to creep into your thoughts, making you question what you signed up for. Soon, you find yourself far away from town and going up a rather steep hill. You can see an elegant mansion sitting on top, peering below with pride. Soon, a silver gate standing at an impossible height appears before you. You pull up to the metal box and allow its camera to scan your face. 

A crackling voice booms from the intercom, "State your name." 

You answer, and there is a pause. Then, the voice speaks again, "Ah. The new recruit. Like other visitors, you must agree to the nondisclosure agreement." 

It clears its throat and begins to recite a contract-like script, "By entering the property of the Togami Conglomerate you agree to keep everything within the walls of the home. If you overhear private conversations and choose to leak them to the public, you will be traced and faced with severe consequences. Theft, idling and pestering the other staff members are also punishable. You will be paid after each shift and are expected to be on time. No minute less. If we see that your work is less than desirable, you will be cut off. Do you agree to these terms?"

You blink, trying to process everything that the voice said. It is understandable for a wealthy family to have strict terms, but why point out eavesdropping? Idling? Are you going to be watched and supervised? If you work under these terms, you should expect above-average pay at the very least. Uneasiness begins to settle in, but you nod and vocalize your agreement. A loud buzz sounds from the box and the gate creaks open. With a sigh, you pull into the driveway and park your car. After retrieving your bucket of supplies, you head for the entrance. 

As you approach the patio, you walk through a small garden that serves as a host for several kinds of plants. You can tell that they have been taken care of very well and take a mental note to view them in more detail later. A few cameras watching you approach, following your movements with a low whirring sound. At the base of the steps leading to the entrance, you notice a figure out of the corner of your eye. Before ascending, you turn your head to look and see a man talking into a phone. He is wearing a leather jacket and a scarf around his mouth. Sunglasses cover his eyes and his hands appear dirty, even from a distance. When he notices you looking, he freezes. Then, he mumbles into his phone and hangs up. Before you can do anything, he disappears around the building. Was that a guard of some sort? Perhaps someone patrolling the perimeter? You swallow your anxiety and approach the door. 

You ring the doorbell and wait, practicing your best customer service smile. A few minutes pass, no answer. You try again and wait but to no avail. Worry begins to cloud your mind. Taking a few steps forward, you lift yourself onto your toes to peer through the peephole. Suddenly, a face appears, causing you to jump back and stumble onto the bucket cleaning supplies. Before you can regain your balance, you fall and find yourself looking up at the sky. 

Shaking your head, you see that the door is open. Standing in the doorway is a young man dressed in a green jacket and pants. Blonde barely brushes against his shoulders and his white-framed glasses rest neatly on his nose. Cerulean hues study you for a moment before closing momentarily. Your cheeks flush red in embarrassment as you scramble to your feet and introduce yourself. He lifts a hand to rub his temple and let out an irritated sigh.

"Well. This is certainly going to be interesting." 

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