Chapter 1: Strange¿

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I got onto the bus and looked at all the seats normally they are filled by now but most were pretty empty. The bus driver gave me a nasty look like always, I had my earbuds in and my music player on. I walked down the row and sat all the way in the back behind a girl... Well not just a girl my ex Naomi.

She shortly noticed me and looked behind her seat at me. "Why are you sitting near me? " She asked in a rude way like she does with most people. "I always sit in the back, what are you doing this far back? " I asked in a somewhat rude way I assumed. She shut her mouth and turned around back in her seat. It was raining hard and thundering, I didn't understand why they still continued school when it's raining this bad, the bus driver arrived at a couple more stops and more kids my age got on. I heard Naomi "whispering" To giggle buddies about me, I ignored them like always.

Once we arrived at school the principal greeted us while we walked inside. My locker was on the first floor closest to the science lab which was pretty cool, but my locker on the other hand wasn't so cool. It was messy not organized one bit. I reached into my messy locker and pulled out a wrinkled and torned up math homework which was due today. "That's just great, I'm gonna have to stay inside while everyone else goes to the gym and play dodgeball. " I said while rolling my eyes and threw my backpack into my locker and slammed the locker door.

Shortly after the bell rang and I headed to class, a few classes flew by and lunch block came around. I sat behind this tallish guy with blonde hair and weird brown eyes who always kept talking about his weekend. The teacher Which was named Bob Kelly but I just call him bob was walking around checking everyone's homework. Once he finished the first three rows he started with my row and gave me a pissed off face. "So you didn't do the homework once again I see. " He said in a husky deep voice which pissed me off. "Well I don't understand it, I keep telling you but you just don't listen to m-" Before I could finish my sentence he sent me straight to the Office.

The principal wasn't surprised I was in trouble, he was done with me.

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