Date Night

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          The next day, me and Ben decided we should celebrate finally finding each other. As mates I mean. I promised to go on a date with him if he promised to mark me and visa versa.
          I woke up before Ben and decided now is when to mark him so that when we go out everyone will know he's mine. I roll over and straddle him. I slowly lean down and gently press my lips against his neck.
          "Mm good morning beautiful" he spoke softly. His groggy morning voice was so soothing.

          I place a few soft kisses along his neck before bareing my teeth and sinking them into his skin. My mouth watered as I could feel him muscles tencing up.
         Moans escaped his mouth as a slowly started sicking on the skin. After a few more seconds I released, leaving a large purple mark on his neck framed in teeth marks.

          "Not fair" he groans pulling my close. "Isnt the male supposed to mark first?" I shrugged and dropped my head back allowing him to do the same. "You are aware that our wolfs will go absolutely nuts until we mate right?" He asked with a smirk.
          I smiled as I got up. "Oh I know. I can handle it as Val is kind of easy to control. I just wanted to watch you squirm" I chuckled. "Besides anyone who tries to flirt with you now will not only permanently smell my wolf, but the mark will give them a warning" I smiled closeing the bathroom door.

          After a long shower I came back out in nothing but a towel. "What do you mean a warning?" Asked Ben.
          "Seriously? I thought you would know about this stuff? Ok, its like this. The mark visibly will go away, but any wolf that tries to flirt with you will sence that you have been marked by your mate and naturally back down." I explained walking towards my cloest.
          "The human side of said wolf might not listen cause some b!*chs be hoes, but even still" I trailed off tring to reach my skates up on the top shelf. Ben walked over and grabbed my waist. He lifted me up so I could reach. When he put me down I put my skates on the floor and turned around. He leaned down and kissed me deeply.

          "Dont worry babe. I only got eyes for you." He smiled before kissing me again.
          "Good. Now lets go eat breakfast and see what Jackie and Jason are doing today" I said jumping onto bens back. He walked down the stairs and into the dining room carrying me piggie back.
          "Hey girl. What you got planned today?" Jackie asked sitting on Jasons lap.
          "Oh not much" I smiled. "Just celebrating my finding my mate" Jackie squealed.
          "NO WAY! Who is it!?" Completely oblivious to the marks on me and Ben's necks. Finally she saw our marks and some how squealed louder. "Omg im so glad its Ben! Hes soo good for you!" She jumped up and down on Jasons lap as he groaned in pain from her boney butt. "Ops sry babe" she said kissing him.

           Me and Ben laughed as we sat down with our breakfast. "So i guess its Alpha Ben and Luna Skye now." Jason smirked looking at me.
           "Nope. Alpha Skye and Ben until we get married. Law of the pack. My father told me before he passed." I responded. Both him and Ben nodded in agreement.
          After breakfast I asked Jason and Jackie if they wanted to come skating and they said no.
          They are gonna go get their holiday shopping done while we were busy so we couldn't ruin the surpise. I just laughed. I got mine done already. The only gift I havnt figured out yet is Ben's. He's so hard to shop for.

           Me and Ben sit and watch a couple movies before going skating and then dinner after.
           "Your car or mine?" He asked. My car was just a a simple little 2 door Buick. His car was a beautifully sparkling blue Saturn with black pinstripe.
           "Yours, duh" I laughed as we go into the car. After a 10 minute drive of music and general good times we arrived at the ice rink.

          As we walked into the rink there was already 30 or 40 people here skating. I didnt mind too much. I just wanted to have fun. After me and ben get our skates on we walk out onto the ice. I started skating with ease. Spinning and doing jumps. Ben just smiled.

                    {BENS P.O.V}
          As we skated along Skye was doing spins and figure 8's. All i could do was smile at how much she enjoyed little things like this.
          Thats when I put my hand in my pocket and felt a small box. Ive been waiting sonce the beginning of October. Now that we know for sure tonight is the night I ask her.

          Me and Skye dance and skate for a few hours when Skye said she was geting hungry. I nodded and we headed off the ice to take our skates off.
                   {SKYES P.O.V}
          Ben has been acting weird and quite all day. I can't figure it out. After we get our skates off I ask him as whats wrong as we climb into his car to go for dinner.
          "Nothing babe. I just love you so much" he sighed in a love sick kind of way. I shook my head thinking ok what ever I'm hungry. We drive off and I drift asleep.

          When I wake up we're pulling up to a cottage. Ben saw i was wake and also confused. He chuckled. "This was my parents cottage they left it to me and went around the world on their retirement. Last we spoke was a few months ago and that they were in Morocco." He rolled his eyes as we got out and went into the cabin.
           It was beautiful. Everything was wooden and rustic. A fire place on the left side with a bear skin rug. Ben smiled as I went to check the rest of the cabin.

          After looking at everything i found myself on the balcony in the master bedroom. The view was simply gorgeous. I saw the frozen lack and trees surrounding it. As i stood there taking in the few I felt two arms wrap around me.
          "Want to go for a sleigh ride?" He asked. I gasped
          "Duh!" I exclaimed. Ive never been so excited. I love horses. I ran outside and heard the horses in the stable out back. I ran for the barn as I heard ben laughing.

          I saw a big beautiful gray and black horse with a silvery mane. I walked slowly up to her. A carving on her stable door said 'Sadie'.
          "Hi Sadie." I spoke soft as to not spoke her. I petted the side of her neck as I touched my forehead to hers. She naighed as she brushed her nose against my chest.

          Ben smiled as he walked over to staddle her up for the sleigh. After the sleigh was set up we go in and pulled away. After 20 minutes of silence just enjoying the view we stopped. I looked around for a reason why and found none. Beautiful veiw but not enough to stop.

          "Why did we stop? Is something wrong? You've been weird all day." I said with worrie in my voice.
          "Oh no nuthing like that." He said helping me out of the sleigh. "I just wanted to stop and look at the veiw. Maybe talk for a minute." He sighed.
          "Ok about what?" I asked. Looking even more worried.

          He smiled and turnes to me. He took a deep breath and then looked me in the eyes. All I could think is what the heck?

          "Skye, ever since we met I knew I had feelings for you. It didnt mater that Max said we were mates I knew I liked you eather way. As time grew on I fell more in love with you. When you told me we were mates I took that as I sign thag we were ment to be together forever. Because i knew that that ment no one would swoop in and take you from me." He obviously had this little speech prepared. I blushed at how much he thought about this.
          He got down on one knee "Skye Marie Lyons, will you do the honors of marrying me?" He asked pulling out a small ring box with the most beautiful red ruby ring.
          I almost cryied. I put my hand over my mouth and nodded profusely. He grinned as he stood up putting the ring on my left ring finger. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He kissed back deeping the kiss.

          "I love you Bentley Keith." I giggled with tears of joy in my eyes.
          "I love you too Skye Lyons" he laughed as we climbed back into the sleigh and headed back to the cabin.

{Sorry this chapter was a little longer then normal xD hope you liked it}

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