Gifts/New Years/Wedding Plan

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{This chapter is about opening presents and PLANNING the party and wedding. The next chapter is the new years party and the following is the wedding. Enjoy! :D}

We open the door and head for the living room. Theres a box bigger then a oven next to the tree.
"Where did that come from?" I asked smirking and looking at Ben as it DEFINITELY wasn't there 5 minutes ago. Ben shrugged all innocently. I ran over and started opening it.
There was a beautiful hand carved wooden chair in a crescent moon shape with a little wooden stool. {Pictured above} I was shocked. This must have cost ben a fortune. I jumped into his arms hugging him. "thank you baby! This is amazing I cant believe you bought this for me!" I screamed.
"I actually made it. By hand. With a little help at the end from Jason." He smiled as my jaw dropped. "I also may have put a little someting on the inside of the chair there take a look" he grinned with pride pointing at a note inbedded in the chair. On the right side, inside the 'hood' of the chair, was a little note no bigger than half a peice of paper. On the paper wrote the following.

Dear Skye.
Your mother and
I love you very much.
If your reading this, we are probably not around anymore.
We want you to know, we are so so proud of you and the woman you have become.
With tons of love,
we will always be with you.
Stay strong Cupcake.
Love, Mom and Dad

At the bottom was both of my parents signature. At this point i was in full tears. "Where did you find this?" I mumbled out trying to hold my tears long enough to ask.
"Jason found the letter in a book called 'blood moon pack history' i guess your dad thought you would read up after he passed." Ben smiled holding me close. "Im sorry I didn't give you the letter sooner" he apologized tightening the hug.

"Please dont be sorry, this is the greatest thing anyone ever giving me." I cryed into his chest. He rested his head on the top of my head.
"I love you cupcake" he chuckled.
"I love you too, muffin." He laughed at my new nickname for him.
"Muffin eh? I like that" he smiled as we snuggled in my new chair watching everyone else open gifts.
After everyone else was done it was my turn to give Ben his gift.
I handed him the thick rectangular white box with a big red bow and a note. 'To my loving Ben. From your one and only.'

He pulled the bow off and opend the box. Shock and awe fell over his face as he picked up his coat out of the box. "Oh my gosh babe this patch is incredible!" He howled puting on the jacket to try it on.
"Oh good im so glad it fits. I was worried I got the wrong size" I stated adjusting the coat and flicking off some fluff. "I also got you this to go with it." He opend the box and saw the boots and the gloves. He hugged me thanking me.
Pepper then pulls out her phone and shows us the video of greg opening his gifts. First it was the poster. He wasnt mad at all he laughed so hard he almost fell off his chair. 'This is fantastic I love this.' he said in the video. Then he opend the picture and almost cryed. He couldnt believe we managed to find a signed picture let alone with his name on it. He thanked Pepper and told her to tell us that he thanks us too.

Jackie got Jason a new game console with 3 different games, Jason got Jackie a necklace with matching bracelets and earrings.
Pepper got me some Nightmare before Christmas merch. As well as some other nerd stuff like that.

I got Pepper a new makeup and hair kit. I also got Jackie a beautiful hand knitted sweater that went down to her mid thigh.
Jackie gave me a picture frame with a picture of me, pepper, and her when we took a picture together 2 weeks ago with santa.

After all the gifts were given and opened, we all went into the kitchen. We all chipped in a little here and there with the making of Christmas dinner. Few hours of drinks and laughter later, we finally get dinner done and served.
We sat done to eat and over dinner we discussed new years eve party plans.
We will have the whole pack come to the house like we did the Blood moon ball but this time it will be different. This time I will have some big new for the pack. The date is set for next summer and the pack will have a new Alpha. Everyone knows and loves Ben so this will go over well Im sure.

After dinner we all went to bed cause tomorrow is boxing day and we can use the sales to buy the supplies for the new years party. Me and Ben decided to go for a run first though because Max and Val havnt run together in a while. Its been me running and then him the next day.

During our run Max tackled Val. Val growled asking what? Then it hit us. That smell. Amber.
After we all shift she walks up. "Alpha Skye." I glare at her. "A letter" she hands me peice of paper. After opening it I read that Alpha John is requesting a audience with me. Why?
"Whats this about Amber?" I questioned. "Why didnt he call me?"
"Alpha John said you would ask. He told me to tell you that this is too important." She winked at Ben. I growled deeply. She then raised an eyebrow and shrugged it off.
"Tell your Alpha that today is Thursday so he will have to wait till Saterday as I have to prepare my home for the New Years party for my pack. If is so important that he cannot wait send his beta and delta to retrieve me. NOT YOU!" I growled. She bowed agreeing and left. Ben hugged me reassuring me that everything will be fine.

We got back to the house and I let Jason know what has happend. He agreed to let the patrol wolfs know what was going on. We called it a night and went to bed.

The next day, me, Pepper, and Jackie went to the shops to buy the things needed for the new years party. We also grabbed a scrap book to plan my wedding.

"What were you thinking? Typical party or themed?" Pepper asked puting more streamers in the cart.
"Im not sure. Im thinking masquerade?" I responded holding up a small eye mask that only covers the cheekbones. Jackie smiled and agreed.
"Thats a great idea!" Pepper said grabing a bunch of masks and throwing them in the cart.

After grabbing all the supplies we head to the arts store for a scrap book and other little things for the wedding scrapbook. Jackie and Pepper are my bridesmaids obviously. Jackie didnt mind that I made Pepper my maid of honor as we have been friends since I was little. Ben said that Jason was his Best man.

We get back to the house and Ben scooped me up and gave me a big hug. "I missed you too but can you put me down? I have breakable decorations" I laughed still holding the bags from the store. He chuckled and put me down. "Thank you" I smiled. We all put the things away and then retired to the game room for some hot chocolate while we watched Jason and Ben kill zombies for the rest of the day.

{Im sorry this one took so long I was having some personal issues but dont worry I'm fine and everything's getting better. :D}

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