Battle Plan

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We went over the plan. I'm still unsure if this would work cause he may not know about it period. "I know its rough at best but it's better then no plan. right?" ben tried to re-encourage me while I sat on his lap looking at the plan. "want me to go over it again so you have it straight?" he asked.
"sure" is all I could get out. He leaned forward picking up the note pad with all the notes he took during the meeting. As he read out the plan I looked at the map. X's and O's all over it with arrows in red and blue marker. If you didnt have the notes you'd have no idea what this is about.
"right, so. we will throw a 'celebration of life' of your parents on their one year. I realize this is a soft spot for you but this is a fake one. we will hold a real celebration after the fact." ben smiled hoping his smile would help, it did a little. "so, the ladys are gonna set up in the back yard; ballons, cake, candles, ect., and a few men will surround the perimeter. Make it seem like we dont know whats about to happen. Mean while John and his men will be hiding, there" he pointed behind the house where the thickest of the garden trees are. "the trees will be covered in streamers and the streamers will have the sent of lavender and roses to cover their scent." Very smart. "then when they attack, and we know they will, John and his pack will surround the area slowly blocking them in. All you have to do is distract Alpha Alexander and his men untill John is in position. Think you can do that?" Ben asked rubbing my back with one hand.
No. "Yea I think I can manage." I smiled.
"Great. Then once they are ready John will hoot and he will attack, then the rest of our guys will follow John into battle and defend Jackie. Speaking of..." he trailed off. he pulled out his phone and sent a text to someone. few minutes later Jason, Jackie, and Pepper came though the door. "Hey. Jackie. Once the sh** hits the fan you, Skye, and pepper will run for the office and lock the door. As you know the windows are bared so you dont have to worry." We barred them shortly after my parents passing so that no one can ambush the Alpha again. Or in my case Luna.
"Sounds good, Anything else? We're making breakfast, gave the cook the day off" Pepper said urgently.
"yeah, you can go. close the door. I need a moment or 20 with Skye." he said that with a side smirk and twinkle in his eye. What was that look for? oh...OH.
"uh.. yea! I have to talk to him about the...uh.. book on the top self! Its gonna fall." I lied terribly. They all smiled at eachother. Then we all laughed. They left and jason turned before closing the door.
"The last time u guys were in here alone you distroyed the office and then made me clean it. Let's not do that again. cool? cool." he laughed before leaving the office and closing the door. after a few minutes we heard the three of them leave and pepper saying "lets go out for breakfast....and lunch" they laughed as the front door closed. I chuckled to myself blushing all the while. I was being picked and put on the desk. I opened so Ben could stood between them. His hands found their way down to lower my back. My hand were around the back of his neck.
"so what did u wanna talk about Mr. Keith?" I asked in a low sexy voice.
"who ever said anything about talking?" Ben smiled, the low rumble of his words seemed to come from his chest. I smirked as he leaned down to kiss me. I kissed him first, which seemed to surpise him at first, then he deepened the kiss. A surge of energy flowed through me the minute our lips touched. Almost ike lightning, it feel amazing. My wolf was going crazy. I wanted him so bad right now. I cant control myself around him. The kiss got more and more intense as we kissed. Harder and harder as our tongues danced I felt him growing more and more needy like I was.
I felt his hands move up and undo my shirt. His teeth grazzed my neck. His hot breath made me shiver. I could sence his wolf wanted to mark me. Even Though we've been married for a month and together almost a year he still hasnt marked me as 'his' yet. I thought it was weird but never mentioned its cause it's not super important to me. "Are you ready? If you're not I dont have to." he whispered against my skin.

When someone gets marked by their mate a surge flows through the blood stream. From what I hear it hurts really bad at first cause its changing not only your scent but your mental connections with the pack. After you're marked, you can still mentally block everyone out EXCEPT your mate. No matter what you're mentally connect for life. Nothing but death breaks that bond. You can tune out so you dont listen to what they are thinking but you CAN'T block them out. As for scent, well it doesnt change too much but its enough that when someone is close to you, they can smell your mate. Even if they arn't there.

I nodded. I could feel his teeth start to puncture my skin. Valarie was going crazy. I couldnt tell if she was excited or angry. She wasnt trying to fight him off so I just ignored her. Finally his teeth were fully in my skin. It stung. Not because my blood was warming up from the marking, but from his teeth having cut my skin to do said marking. My heart was racing. My entire body was in so much pain. My blood was boiling now. I cryed out in pain but Ben kept his teeth in my skin. If he stopped now it would probably kill me. I could feel Valarie trying to take over. I used all my power to hold her back so the marking would remain uninterupted. After 10 minutes the pain stopped and I fell limp. Out of breath and exhausted I felt Ben remove his teeth from my skin. He pressed his hand to my neck to stop the bleeding as I caught my breath. "here" he took his shirt off and placed it on my neck. "I'll be right back. I'm going to get a gauze. drink?" he asked. Yeah, I'm partched. I nodded. He smiled and left. Few moments later he came back and handed me a Cherry soda. Cherry, weird. Good though. As I took a sip I felt the cold liquid run down my throat. It hurt to swallow. Ben pressed the gauze to my neck. "not right now but later we will have to have sex. It not only helps the inevitable hunger that is about to grow in you, but it will lock in the makring." the way he said it made it seem so.. forced. I looked down thinking. "whats wrong?" he asked. I shrugged.
"the way you said it sounded so forced. Almost like your doing it just cause you have too." I sighed as I looked up at him.
"I'm sorry, I didnt mean it like that." he hugeed me gently. It felt so good being in his arms like this. I felt so safe. "please forgive me" he whispered into the top of my head. I nodded and kissed him. "good." just then Pepper, Jason, and Jackie walked into the house. The office door was open a crack.

"heyy guys! brought you taco bell!" Pepper called as she knocked on the door. "is it safe? HA just kidding! I dont care" she walked in holding 2 bags of food. "YOU DICK! what did you do to my sister!" she yelled at ben walking over. She put the food on the desk and pushed him away.
"hey, It's ok. He just marked me. can you please say sorry to my HUSBAND?" I smirked as I showed her the bite mark.
"oh, ha my bad! sorry Ben." she giggled before running off.
"weirdo!" I called after her.
"PSYCHO!" I heard her yell from down the hall. I laughed to myslef as Ben shook his head. Well it was a rough day, but we have a plan and were almost ready for Alpha Alexander. This was a good litte break from all the stresses of the impending pack war. Gods help us all.

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