Chapter One

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San has been having these dreams featuring himself being in bed with some other man recently. Ever since he went to visit America, these dreams have invaded his sleep. He tries to look at the man sometimes, but he swears he has no idea who the man is. These dreams go on for about a week, when...

Late one night, Seonghwa was up late partying with his friends in Seoul, Korea. He got home much later than usual, and he was slightly drunk, so his friend Jongho had to help him inside his apartment since he was the only one strong enough to be able to handle him up all of his apartment stairs.

Seonghwa laughs as Jongho throws him into his bed, "Hey, don't be so rough with me! I'll get you back for that," he tries to play fight with Jongho, but in his weakened state, the pushes feel like a kitten doughing.

Jongho laughs at him, having stayed sober this whole time so he could help the guys home. "Just go to bed, Seonghwa," he shakes his head while lifting a pillow from Seonghwa's bed and throws it to Seonghwa's face, "I'm leaving now. Text me in the morning so I know you're okay. If you're even up in the morning hours." Jongho smirks and leaves Seonghwa's apartment.

Seonghwa strips his shirt off, feeling hot, probably from all of his drinking, and falls back onto his bed. He tangles himself up in his covers, too hot to have them fully covering him. Soon after, he falls asleep, wondering if he will have the same dream again.

Seonghwa wakes up in the dream, in the bed with the other boy just like every night it seems. Only this time, the other boy is awake and is sitting in the bed, looking down at him. Seonghwa flinches once he sees the boys' sharp eyes, "H-Hello...?" Seonghwa questions the man, wondering if they can talk back.

San is surprised to see the other boy is awake tonight and shirtless at that, but he tries not to stare. He scoots back on the bed, "What the-? Who are you? I didn't know you could, uh... Be alive? No, that's not it. Be awake? I guess..." San tries to file through his mind for an explanation, realizing he's thinking out loud, he rubs the back of his head, "Haha, I'm sorry. I just really don't know what to think right now, you know? Also... Why are you not wearing a shirt? You usually are."

Seonghwa cocks his head, "Usually are?" he questions back at the man in bed with him.

San nods, "You're the man that's been in my dreams the past few days. Have I not been in yours until now?"

Seonghwa tries to understand what is going on, thinking he is crazy for imagining the boy in his dreams up and talking to him like he's a real person, "You're not real, you're just some dream I've made up in my drunken state," he attempts to rationalize this whole situation the best he can. This boy can't possibly be real, can he? He's just some stranger Seonghwa has been imagining in my dreams, right?

San understands how surprised he must feel, but he himself has been wondering if the man in his dreams is actually real. He always wanted to know if he was able to wake up. "I'm pretty sure I'm real," San smiles and laughs, doing the wave with his arms, "could a fake person do this?"

Seonghwa smiles a bit, but turns his head, "I don't know... I've never met a fake person. Okay, well, maybe metaphorically fake, but not like this. Who even are you?"

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