Chapter Nine - FINALE

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(For this chapter, I actually made a Spotify playlist! You'll see why I did that about two paragraphs in, so I'm linking it here in case anyone would like to listen to it. I compiled it from songs Seonghwa has actually recommended and also added songs I think he would listen to.)

San rests his head against the plexiglass window of the airplane. A smile spreads across his face when he thinks about how he's meeting Seonghwa the next morning. San begins to wonder how tall he will be compared to him and if he will be the same amazing man he met in their own little wonderland. Of course he's going to be, San feels his body heat up thinking about the moment they'll meet in person for the first time. He hopes he won't be too incredibly nervous. Gosh, he really hopes he doesn't make a fool of himself in front of him.

San puts on his headphones and turns on a playlist that Seonghwa had recommended to him. Seonghwa told San that he made that playlist just for San to listen to on the plane. San closes his eyes as the slow songs start. He smiles, learning that Seonghwa likes more ballad-like songs that are easy to listen to. He finds that a few of them cause him to get a bit emotional, thinking of his love as he listens.

San eventually falls asleep on the plane, sleeping through most of the flight while the playlist plays in his ears.

Seonghwa has been feeling anxious all day, knowing that San would be coming home to Korea tonight. He's been wondering if they'll disappear from each other's dreams once they finally meet. What if they disappear tonight since San will be back in Korea with Seonghwa?

Seonghwa also wonders how close together they live since he remembers that San is also friends with Yunho. Yunho makes friends with everyone so easily. Seonghwa is so happy to have such a good friend like Yunho in his life.

That night, San finally gets back to his home. His grandparents picked him up from the airport in Seoul and he's going to be staying with them tonight. He excitedly talked to them about his plans for tomorrow with Seonghwa.

San's grandparents are happy to see their little grandson so happy and excited about something. Not that he isn't like that most of the time, but they have always hoped for their baby to find love. San's grandparents are more open than most about a lot of topics. They would never turn their grandson away for loving a man. They've just wanted him to find happiness, they didn't care what their gender was as long as they treat him well.

San unpacks some of his stuff, trying to lay out what he's going to wear to meet Seonghwa at the train station tomorrow. He's so excited to visit Jeju with him. He just knows that they're going to have an incredible time, especially since San has a few things planned for them to do when they get there. He puts his list of plans he made for them in the pocket of the jacket he laid out to wear tomorrow. He hopes that it's not too cold and windy to do anything.

Seonghwa is lying in bed that night, staring at this ceiling as he's scared to sleep and San not be there with him. He doesn't know how this whole dream wonderland they share works. Seonghwa eventually curls up on his side under the covers and drifts off to sleep, thinking of the day ahead of him.

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