Chapter Seven

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In the next few days, Jongho and Yunho have been trying to figure out what's been going on with Seonghwa. Jongho jokingly suggests that it's relationship trouble. Yunho laughs but says how he thinks that might actually be it. Yunho explains to Jongho how he's never seen Seonghwa be like this before.

Yunho decides to confront Seonghwa in a more private setting, hoping that he will open up to him.

"Hey, man. I've noticed you've been really down recently, I just wanted to ask you if things are alright. You can talk to me, or any of us really about anything. We're your best friends, we're here for you," Yunho says warmly, showing Seonghwa and a friendly smile.

Seonghwa just nods, rubbing the back of his head, "I just..." Seonghwa sighs, putting his head into his hands, "I don't know what I've done, Yunho. I think I did something I shouldn't have because of my own stupid fear."

Seonghwa feels even worse after last night and seeing what San had written on his arm as a note to him.

Please come back to me

Those words haven't stopped running through Seonghwa's mind since he saw them. Seonghwa needs some sort of guidance in his thinking. Everything in his head keeps getting all jumbled up and it's stressing him out badly.

Yunho rubs Seonghwa's shoulder supportively, wanting to be there for him, "What's happened?" He asks, not wanting to ask too much in detail in case Seonghwa doesn't want to open up that far.

Seonghwa eases into Yunho after he rubs his shoulder. Seonghwa really doesn't want to lose his best friend. Seonghwa stays quiet for a few moments, thinking to himself. If Yunho is a true friend, he would support Seonghwa, right?

Seonghwa takes a deep breath, "I-I've found someone," he finally says, "but I pushed them away," Seonghwa is trying to be careful about his wording.

Yunho nods, "You found someone? That's wonderful, dude, but why did you push them away? Don't you really like them? Haha, we all suspected something like that when you were so happy the past few months, but no one wanted to pry."

Seonghwa tried to give him a smile, "Yeah, they're an incredible person. I'm so lucky to have met them, I really am... God, I miss him so much..." Seonghwa says the last part quietly to himself.

Yunho continues to listen to him, "I'm glad that you've met someone that could make you feel that way, Seonghwa. It truly makes me happy to hear, but what happened for you to push them away?"

Seonghwa stays quiet for a few moments before starting, "To be honest, I was afraid of what you and everyone would think..."

Yunho laughs, "Afraid of what I would think? Seonghwa, do you know who you're talking to?" He tries to lighten the mood and it makes Seonghwa smile a bit more.

Seonghwa nods, "Yes, I was afraid. The... the- uhm, person that makes me feel that way is a man," Seonghwa admits in a low voice, his heart pounding in his chest as he's unsure of how Yunho will take this news.

Yunho's eyes do widen, not having expected that to be what he was afraid of, "Oh, Seonghwa... You shouldn't be afraid to tell me or any of the guys that..." Yunho pulls Seonghwa into a hug, "You shouldn't be ashamed of who you like. I'm sure the other guys wouldn't mind who you were with as long as they were making you happy."

Seonghwa holds his tears back, hugging Yunho back tightly, "You're sure...? You're not going to abandon me as friends, right?" Seonghwa looks up at him.

Yunho thinks his question is a joke at first, but he sees how serious Seonghwa looks at him afterward, "Yes, Seonghwa. We are not going to abandon you. We are brothers until the end, you hear me?" Yunho gives him a big smile and pulls him back into the hug, "Never forget that."

Seonghwa allows himself to shed a tear, squeezing Yunho tightly, "You don't know how much that means to me to hear you say that, Yunho."

Seonghwa and Yunho embrace for what seems like an eternity to Seonghwa, but he comes to and gasps, "Yunho, I've done a terrible thing..."

Yunho steps back so he's able to look at Seonghwa and he tilts his head, "What happened with the boy, Seonghwa?"

Seonghwa breathes heavily, but he tries to calm himself down, "I-I have been avoiding him... I was so afraid you guys wouldn't accept me that I stopped seeing him, so I wouldn't feel hurt every time I saw him, but... that was messed up of me to do. I don't know why I did that to him..." Seonghwa explains frantically, knowing he needs to see San again as soon as possible. His heart aches for him.

Yunho nods supportively, "Yeah, that was not the best idea, but sometimes things like that happen, Seonghwa. You're learning. This is a new experience for you and you didn't know what to do. Now you know that you can always talk to me if there's something wrong. I'm sure you can also talk to this boy you like so much," he smirks and winks, "You should go see him, Seonghwa."

Seonghwa nods quickly, his mind racing with thoughts, "You're right, Yunho. Thank you so much, I'm so lucky to have you as my friend. I promise I'll try not to be afraid next time something like this comes up... I'll come to you or one of the other guys and actually talk it out. I can't believe I just assumed everything..." he sighs, realizing how much trouble he has caused by just assuming things would be one way without talking to anyone or really thinking of all of the possible outcomes.

Yunho is happy that Seonghwa finally opened up to him and talked to him about what was going on in his life. He's glad that nothing was wrong within his family or anything like that.

Yunho wonders how long Seonghwa has wanted to come out about this to them. His friend San has come out to him a while ago. San wasn't very afraid, he was proud to be himself. Yunho hopes that Seonghwa will be able to feel pride within himself one day.

Yunho thinks to himself that he should introduce the two, they would probably make out to be great friends. 

End of Chapter Seven

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