shot 7: Wander

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"I said this was just a temporary solution. I am NOT keeping Nashi on a leash because I find it amusing!" Lucy could feel the incipient stirrings of a headache. "I don't know what Happy told you - no wait. I'm going to go ahead and let you in on a secret. He lied. It was a big fat lie." The frazzled blonde kept her arms crossed as she addressed her husband, "I don't have your nose, I can't find her as quickly as you. There's just too many food vendors. Nashi keeps wandering away. She has your appetite and attention span."

Natsu grinned and shrugged. "Maybe she got your curiosity," he reached for and took possession of the diaper bag slung over his wife's shoulder. "She's just wondering about all the new things she's seeing."

"W-a-n-d-e-r...not w-o-n-d-e-r!" The blonde gritted her teeth. "I'm not exactly light on my feet right now."

"Da-da! Da-da! Up!" Nashi ran over to Natsu and raised her arms as she stood on tip-toe. "Up!" She did not appear discomfited by the harness she wore, nor the leash that trailed after. Nashi squealed her joy as her father scooped her up. She burbled nonsense words into his ear as she gripped fistfuls of his pink hair.

Lucy couldn't help but smile. Seeing the obvious adoration between father and daughter gave her spirits a lift. She looked around at the festival with renewed eyes and resolved to enjoy herself. Feeling a tug she remembered the leash in her hand. Lucy let go as Natsu began to stride away, talking animatedly to Nashi about fire chicken.

Lucy rubbed her stomach and laughed as she followed her family. "Baby Dragneel, I think you're going to be a fire eater too. Fire chicken sounds delicious"

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