Shot 11: Need

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"Hey, thanks Lucy!" Natsu took the recently filled trash bag from his partner and began to haul it outside. Looking over his shoulder, he gave her another smile. "I said I could do this by myself, but I'm glad you came over."

"I knew Happy was going to ditch you," Lucy giggled. "Manual labour is just not his thing." She bent over and collected more bits of debris, tossing them into a fresh bag.

Natsu almost walked into the door, Lucy's delectable derriere was just too distracting. He shook his head and refocused his attention on cleaning his house. On coming back in, he discovered Lucy was now kneeling. She had a butter knife in her hand and was scraping up some crusted filth from the floor. Her pony-tail was trailing over her bosom, leaving her bent neck bare.

Unable to resist, Natsu silently crouched beside her and trailed one warm finger down her neck and line of her spine. He couldn't hold in his laughter as Lucy shrieked, throwing the implement away in surprise and knocking him over as she retaliated.

He allowed Lucy to pin him. She had such a cute, cross expression on her face. He could never get enough of her reactions.

Her knees were lodged tight against his torso and she leaned forward to grab his wrists and force them to the floor. Shifting her weight, Lucy smirked. "I was wondering how long I could tease you before you succumbed."

"Never very long, huh?" The slayer grinned, not at all dismayed to be in a submissive position. His nostrils flared just the slightest amount and he inhaled more of Lucy's glorious scent. "We can continue cleaning later. Right now, I think we need to get a little dirtier."

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