Shot 13: Happy

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Happy knocked softly on the hospital door and poked his head around without entering further. "Is Lucy human again?"

The dishevelled blonde rolled her eyes and forbore answering. Natsu started laughing and then stifled it with some pretend coughing. "C'mon in, our happy family isn't complete without you."

"He's so small." Happy's voice was as solemn as either new parent could ever remember hearing.

Lucy cradled her newborn and softly began to hum. She was sweaty, her pony-tail was tangled and she knew she must look haggard. Natsu kissed her forehead and tucked a flyaway strand of hair behind an ear.

The newest Dragneel scrunched up his face and seemed about to test his lungs. His tiny but perfectly formed arms waved, hands flexing and making fists. Natsu beamed with pride and held out a finger to which his son grabbed.

Lucy smiled. She beamed at Happy, her son and her husband. "You are my sunshine, my only make me happy, when skies are'll never know dear, how much I love you...please don't take my sunshine away..."

Happy tells everyone who will listen that Natsu cried, but Natsu emphatically insists his son was already so strong that he'd gotten a really bad pinch and that's why his eyes leaked.

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