shot 9: Transformation

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Just a scant five minutes ago, the battle against a low-level dark guild (called the Mud Trolls) had been smooth sailing. Team Natsu was kicking arse easily. Gray had only lost his shirt; Erza had already beaten her opponent, had him tied up and was eating some cake. Lucy in her Taurus star-clothes had punched one bandit into another, knocking both unconscious. Wendy had used her sky dragon magic to increase her team's attacks.

Natsu was more or less toying with the last three dark mages. He was confident in his abilities to subdue them; so much so, he was giving them a play-by-play of his attacks before utilizing them.

"Hurry it up! If we make it to the first seating at dinner, it'll be cheaper!" Lucy called to Natsu.

He turned to grin happily at his best friend. "Does that mean I get to eat more?"

The remaining members of the Mud Trolls looked at one another and snickered. The biggest of the three stepped forward and sent a dark shadow attack at Natsu while the other two rushed Lucy. Natsu deflected the shadow and turned it back on the wielder who screamed in pain, falling to the ground and writhing helpless.

The Celestial mage was struck by the shoulder of the first dark mage to reach her, making her stagger back two steps as she tried to use her fleuve d'etoile. The second bandit manifested electric shocks and wrapped a beefy arm around her neck. Lucy flailed her limbs as she became incapacitated; but as her vision and hearing faded out, a enraged bellow assaulted her ears.

The cretin holding Lucy captive opened his mouth to bluster, about to bargain for his guild to be set free. He never got to utter any words, only releasing an 'oof' in pain as Natsu appeared to fly straight at him. Covered in flames, Natsu punched his opponent solidly in the gut and pried Lucy from his grip.

Holding his partner against his chest, Natsu roared his anger. He took a precious second to settle her on the ground and then attacked the third bandit. It took the combined efforts of Erza and Gray to tear him off of the man.

Lucy moaned and stirred, bringing Natsu's attention to her immediately. He flung himself to the dirt and brushed her hair off her forehead. "Wendy already gave you some healing. How're you feeling?"

"What was that sound? Just after that goon grabbed me, I think I heard a wild animal."

"Never mind about that," Natsu paused between each of his next words, "how, do, you, feel?"

The blonde blinked slowly and gazed at the circle of her team mates surrounding her and Natsu. "My vision seems to be kinda blurry. Maybe getting shocked did something to my visual cortex." Wendy, as well as Charle had an anxious smile; Gray was muttering something to Erza - and for once Happy was struck dumb.

Colouring to a light pink in his cheeks, Natsu turned his head and glowered at the ice mage. "None of your business," he growled.

"Hey, I was talking to Erza, not you Flame Brain."

"Yeah, but about me - so shut it." Natsu ignored everyone else again and assisted Lucy to her feet. His blush only deepened as his partner was forced to lean against him for support.

Happy broke out of his silence and flew over to Lucy, "Wah! I was so scared!" He clung to her chest, burrowing into her cleavage and shaking.

Bemused, Lucy petted the top of Happy's head. "Scared for me?"

"No, for me - I don't wanna have to break in another team mate." Happy retreated into snark as his worries over Lucy evaporated. He gave a weak giggle and flew out of range of any retaliatory Lucy-kick.

Natsu led Lucy over to a partially collapsed wagon and sat with her, quietly talking.

The rest of team Natsu gathered further away and held their own discussion. Erza stared at each of her companions in turn. "Which one of you wants to let Natsu know he's got dragon wings, horns and talons?"

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