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Stephen walked up the stairs to his shared flat. He yawned rather loudly, and brought his eyes to his watch. 11:23 pm it read. Jeez, how long was he at Jay's for?

He unlocked the door and rubbed his eyes, he shouldn't have been sitting so close to the tv.

The sadist sauntered his way to the kitchen, expecting to find nothing but empty space when he turned on the lights. Instead he was met with Hosuh.

The Angel swooped his head around, being startled by the lights turning on and apparently not hearing Stephen come in.

Without thinking to even give him a small greeting, Stephen spoke. "Why were you in the dark?"

"I um, decided not to turn the lights on, I was just here for a midnight snack." He gave a reassuring but small smile.

God, I hate it when he does that.

Stephen looked at him as if he was judging his every move. Hosuh noticed, and just glared down at the ground. He played with the brim of his scarf.

Why does he have to give me that look all the time?

It was funny, how the two opposites had near identical thoughts.

"Why are you up late?" He questioned, pushing past Hosuh to get to the fridge.

"Working." He gave a blatant answer, not feeling like being in the kitchen any longer.

The sadist contemplated whether to grab a can of beer or a few sticks of stringed cheese from the refrigerator. He couldn't make up his mind, so he just picked both. "On what?"

Hosuh began to feel agitated, he felt like he was being interrogated. "Why does it matter?"

With a bit of surprise, Stephen closed the fridge. It wasn't like Hosuh to be very assertive. Although there was barely any assertiveness, it contrasted highly between his default state.

"It doesn't." He stated. "Just thought it must be some pretty important work if you're doing it this late." He walked out of the kitchen and Hosuh followed behind, assuming he was going to to his room. But Stephen made a hasty turn to the couch.

"You're not going to bed?"


The stale conversation reached its end as Hosuh decided not to reply. He just walked through the doorway and entered his room.

Stephen on the other hand, he pressed the power button on the tv remote and the tv flickered on. He changed it to Netflix to watch some more of South Park. Jay had got him hooked.

But around ten minutes into one of the episodes, he felt a vibration coming from his pocket.

He pulled his phone out, but immediately regretted it as he felt his heart beat faster and faster.

It was a text notification from a contact named 'A'.

'Hey', the text read.

Stephen looked at the contact name with a mixed amount of feelings. He was definitely angry, but he also felt like crying which was rather new for him.

Another notification chimed in.

'I know it's late, but I saw the latest vid...'

Stephen decided to tap it, as the three periods indicated there was more.

A- and I wanted to say congrats

A- I was wondering if we could see each other tomorrow

How dare she. How fucking dare she have the audacity to ask that question after what she did.

The sadist closed out of the application and turned off his phone.

It's Just Pretend - Stosuh [Discontinued?]Where stories live. Discover now