Looky, It Is A Thursday

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Ah, the next day of school. It is a Thursday. Many fatal things happen on Thursdays, if you haven’t noticed, and a rather fatal event will take place. It has to do with a party. I can’t spoil the events, because that would be just stupid and eradicate the entire meaning of what a good, suspenseful book is. So, let’s begin:

Thursday was a brisk day. It was windy, but nicely so, so that it wasn’t cold. Jane came to school a wee bit late, because her cats had been running around the house snarling at each other with Lego pieces in their mouths. It was a favourite hobby of theirs, and Jane was afraid they’d either swallow the Lego or attack each other over the dominance of their Lego, and also “I am the leader of the house, sucker!”ness. The vet had said it was the time of competition, to show the other that they were ruler of the household.   

She entered the French class, and the teacher was in the middle of educating the class on Future Proche. All eyes turned toward Jane. The teacher looked at Jane. Lucille let out a “Ah, yes, you’re here, I was lonely without you and only Olivia”, which earned her a scathing look from Brittney.

“I was late, sorry,” muttered Jane, handing the teacher the late slip. She continued class. Jane walked to a desk next to Olivia and Luci. All eyes followed.

That’s what she hated when she came late. Everyone looked at you like you were a new kid, or some type of person with two heads. And it wasn’t good attention, it was goggling attention, where no one wanted to look at you because they liked your shirt. Nah, they wanted to look at you because you were late and they wanted to detect all your flaws.

The morning dragged by. Recess came and went. Luci and Jane found that the boys were in the music portable, and Brittney was in there too. The two didn’t want to think about what was going on in there, but they hated it oh so much.

Look, it sounds like Lucille and Jane are like: “They’re all my boyfriends” or something. Now let me get this perfectly straight. Have you ever felt really protective over something, and you don’t know why? Like let us say your friend came over, and she’s a good deal younger than you; in fact, she’s the daughter of your mom’s friend, and you’re not really her friend. She just comes, and you need to entertain her. So she comes over, and there is this teddy bear. And you haven’t cared about it too much, it just sat on your wall. So you mom’s friend’s daughter sees it and starts going: “Your bear is cute!” and then in a couple hours, when she’s about to leave, she says, “Can I have your bear?” You start to feel very protective over it, because no, it’s your teddy bear. It’s just so ludicrous that she’s asking for it in such a rude manner. You make up some weird lie like, “Oh, my aunt got it for me from Saudi Arabia,” and she leaves looking disappointed. You swear never to invite her over again.

That’s kind of the situation with Brittney. She was Jane and Luci’s friend in the beginning, and everything was just fine. Then she started taking an interest in the boys, or the teddy bear. But not like a “Hey, he’s cute,” she says to her friends interest. Oh, no, it’s much worse than that. More of a “Oh my god, I so don’t like any guy, because I’m so innocent and pure and I never flirt. In fact, they all flock to me naturally,” way. Then she turns really red and puffs out her lips until she looks like some insane duck. So Brittney was caring about owning the teddy bears, and wanted the teddy bears to see her and pay attention to her. Her annoying-ness level soared to an all-time high. Brittney and Jane and Lucille slowly grew apart, from just not spending a recess together to gossiping about each other.

So what is about to happen may or may not surprise you.

Second recess, which was after lunch, was pretty boring. Jane and Lucille talked about abstract rituals. They included Brittney, and moving away, and death, and AK 47s, and let’s-blow-her-head-offs.

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