Chapter 30

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We bumped into Blue on the way to finding Optimus, who was trying to locate his sire himself. We entered an abandoned car factory with big buildings and broken glass; it was a creepy sight because I thought I saw a hand. It wasn't connected to a human body, and whoever it was didn't make it out. The ship of Lockdown sits above us, waiting for him to strike. "They can't be to far, come on." Cade said, both he and Sam shielding me. "Where could they possibly be?" Sam asks himself, cocking his Cybertonian pistol.

"I think they must be in the area," I said, turning my eyes around the area that was demolished. Suddenly the building next to us exploded, forcing Sam, Cade and I to take shelter behind big containers and they have to be pretty secure as they didn't explode from the impact. Afterwards, the sound of metal hitting metal followed and I scoot to the end of the water drum, seeing both Lockdown and Optimus.

Lockdown got the upper hand over Optimus.

"Guys! Follow me!" yelled Cade, pointing at a fallen building which we could use as a shelter. Sam and I follow Cade, we hid behind a damaged part of the wall that reminded me of the fight in Egypt, we all watched the war taking place between Optimus and Lockdown.

Gunshots echoed across the warehouse, with bullets missing us narrowly as they lodged in the brick wall behind us. I screamed out of shock, Sam swore, and Cade dropped his gun as Sam tried to console me. I kept screaming so Sam slapped me across the face to calm me down and I yelped, but then I felt better, and he grinned.

"Is Lily alright?" Cade asked Sam, but before he could react, a man we all knew jumped forward as well, shooting at the same weapon that he fired at us directly. My breath wasn't quick, nor was my heart beating rapidly, I was calm, but for Attinger I soon transformed my calmness into utter hatred, I sent a glare to the man.

His once navy-blue suit was now coated in dust, and on the bridge of his nose there was a slight slash, and on the side of his head a deep gash which had blood pouring from it. "Hand her over gentleman. And I won't have my scientist experiment on her." He ordered, staring at Sam who stood protectively in front of me, and shifts his arm toward Sam.

"We're not going to give you Lily!" Cade yelled, standing up in front of me too, and Attinger chuckled.

"You see it takes patience to make a man ..." he started, staring at both Sam and Cade, "... the patience of watching, and waiting quietly for God and nation to protect all the men, without any acknowledgment at all!" he continued, raising his voice all too much. Attinger had his weapon pointing at them, I scooted to my left, where Cade had dropped his weapon, and clutched the weapon quietly. Getting ready for when I can take the aim.

Attinger grabbed me suddenly and pinned my arm behind my back.

"Attinger, this is not what you want," Sam moved forward, with his hand raised in the air. "Don't get any closer! If you do, I'm going to kill her and the abomination!" Attinger grumbled, cocked his pistol, and I jerked in his arms, but it was useless.

"Abomination?" Wondered both Sam and Cade with bug-eyed expressions. "Yes! And if you want them both to live, don't come any closer!" he commands, pushing the gun barrel to my neck, and Sam stepped forward again.

"Sam! No! Attinger is going to kill you!" I screamed, but Sam ignored me. Cade was just listening, and he didn't know how to avoid the possibility of Attinger killing Sam.

"No good aliens! Or bad aliens you dumb-asses!" shouted Attinger, squeezing my arm tighter. "It's just us and them and you've chosen them!" he concluded, turning his weapon away from me and shooting at Sam. Sam's body froze, as Attinger flicked his safety off the pistol, causing my heart to stop for a split second.

"No! Please!" I cried out.

Time must have stopped or slowed down when Attinger began pressing the trigger, his gun pointing straight to Sam. It happened so fast that I didn't see Attinger pulling the trigger, so Attinger had to shoot Sam because there's blood, but Attinger was missing and Attinger was lying on the ground with a gaping hole in his chest.

Cade shouting my name has taken me out of my shock and I run over to him kneeling over Sam who bleed profusely from his shoulder. I freaked out from the sight of Sam's blood, so I did the only thing I could do to save him, so I reached into my back pocket and took my knife and decided to cut the bullet out.

I asked Cade to keep him down as I was cutting out the bullet and Sam wasn't taking the treatment well, except I couldn't let him die. I pulled out the bullet and washed his wound with some alcohol thanks to Ratchet and then cut off the bottom half of Sam's t-shirt and covered his wound up.

I turned back to look at Optimus, who had just resumed his battle with the monster himself. My mind was filled with millions of thoughts, as Cade and I helped Sam who was groaning as we walked away from the fight. The sound of a loud clang echoed around the warehouse, forcing the three of us to turn around.

Lockdown bound Optimus to one of the silos before picking up the fallen sword, and stabbing Optimus through his chest. Small blue electric sparks sput out of the cut. Lockdown lifted Optimus's other sword high above his head ready to kill Optimus but he is unexpectedly tackled to the ground by Blue.

Blue caught Lockdown and slung him away from Optimus by the ankle.

EDITING- Her Strength, His Rage (Book 4) (Age Of Extinction)Where stories live. Discover now