Chapter 2

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A few weeks later

After work I meet Erin at Molly's. After ordering a gin and tonic, a beer for Erin and two tequila shots we sit down on a table across from a rowdy group of boys. One of them is Antonio Dawson.

"Hank Voight is out of prison" Erin tells me after we down the shots.

"I heard, how are you doing with it?"

"I'm fine. My father figure is out of prison – I should be thrilled right?"

"So why aren't you?"

I met Erin when we were 16 years old. We were in the same high school. My parents died when I was 16, and Erin came to the school. She made up a story of being Hank Voight's godchild staying with him while her parents were traveling. She was in the popular crowd immediately, I, however stayed in my bubble as the nerd and loser of school with zero friends. Soon somebody found out that she was a phony, having made up the story and she's actually a street kid with a junkie mom and a jailbird dad. We became friends soon after she was kicked out of her squad.

"I don't know. Instead of getting fired after doing jail time he's got a promotion. He's now Sergeant and he got the job as leader of the Intelligence unit. He offered me a job."

"Are you taking it?"

She nods, "I think I have to."

"You think?"
"I have to."

A smirking Antonio walks up to us, "Ignoring me now Doctor Roberts?"

Erin smirks at me and I roll my eyes as I look into the eyes of the detective.

"Should you be drinking with your heavy dose of medicine I prescribed Detective Dawson?"

"I'm the designated driver." He smirks, "Only for another few days"

"Hmm" I smile, "I'm glad you're doing fine."

"Only because my doctor's beautiful"

I roll my eyes and ignore Erin's grin.

"I don't think it would be professional of me to comment on that."

"In 8 days you won't be my doctor anymore, will you then comment on that?" he asks cheekily and I laugh, "We'll see, enjoy your evening Dawson, and take care of yourself."

He smirks and kisses my cheek, "Enjoy your evening beautiful"

He walks away and Erin squeals as she slaps my arm

"Ouch, what was that for?"

"He likes you"

"He does not!"

"Dude are you blind and deaf? That very delicious man was flirting with you, unashamedly. You should flirt back, I can see that you like him"

I laugh, "How?"

"It's in the eyes"

I snort, "Yeah whatever. I don't know him well"

"You operated on him, you literally saw his heart. You know him."

I laugh, "We'll see."

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