Stay By Me

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Stay By Me

Stand a little bit closer

I need to breathe you in

Feel you moving under my skin

Do you feel alone when you're on your own

Pick up the pieces and sway

Stay by me

Everyone else can leave

We're just a feeling

She's just a pick me up.

The next weekend was the first Hogsmeade trip of the term and Hermione had a day off, so she invited Ginny and James (and Harry, but he was busy as usual) to The Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer. She only wished that Teddy could accompany her, but not even Hermione could bend the school rules. She knew James wanted to see his older brother and ask him all about Hogwarts, but they would have to write each other letters instead. The September air was pleasant as Hermione walked down to the village, watching the students ahead of her talking and laughing. Malfoy was on chaperone duty, which meant he was a few paces ahead of her, yelling at a four Ravenclaw students who thought it would be funny to let off dungbombs ever few meters. Hermione wrinkled her nose as the smell hit her and it reminded her of her fifth year at school. In that year, as the tyranny of Dolores Umbridge reached a new level with her becoming Headmistress, the students of Hogwarts (Hermione included) revolted en masse and dungbombs were dropped in the halls with such frequency that students had to use the bubble-head charm just to ensure that they had fresh air to breathe. Hermione had to admit, it was an excellent way of teaching students how to use the bubble-head charm. Even first years could do it at the time.

Hermione covered her hand with her mouth, hiding her laughter as Malfoy threatened to feed the students to one of the plants in the Herbology garden. Upon hearing her laughter he turned around to look at her, irritation flashing across his face.

"Do you find this funny, professor Granger?"

"Not at all professor Malfoy," Hermione smirked, enjoying this much more than she should. She should have been reprimanding the students with Malfoy, but she was having too much fun. "If the smell bothers you so much, I suggest you use the bubble-head charm professor Malfoy. Surely you must have mastered it by now?"

A snicker came from the students as they watched the exchange between Malfoy and Hermione. They had never seen professor Granger act like this. Was she actually encouraging this kind of behaviour? She was normally the first one to put a stop to it. It was going to be a good day indeed.

Malfoy's mouth hung open, did he just get smart-mouthed by Hermione Granger?

Hermione smirked, feeling oddly satisfied that she managed to leave Draco Malfoy speechless. It was something she had only done a few times in her life, the first being when she hit him the first year. That was a feeling she would never forget.

The students were now waiting in anticipation for professor Malfoy's comeback. They had stopped walking entirely just to watch the two of them. Malfoy blinked a few times before he recovered, a cocky grin spreading over his features.

"Why don't you enlighten the students as to why I had to master the bubble-head charm?" Malfoy asked as he crossed his arms over his chest, indicating that it was Hermione's turn in this chess game of wits.

All eyes were suddenly on Hermione, as if they were watching a tennis match and following the ball back and forth. When Hermione couldn't return the ball fast enough Malfoy answered for her.

"Professor Granger over here used to drop dungbombs in the halls so frequently the whole school had to master the bubblehead charm."

There was a moment of silence as a few jaws hit the floor. Professor Granger used to drop dungbombs in the halls? The same professor Granger who immediately confiscates any joke products? Hermione had to act quickly otherwise her reputation will be ruined.

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