Chapter 26

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It had been a rare occasion that Jessica spent alone time with one of her brothers. Most of the time she had been around the entire family but this was a trip in the books. Taking a road trip with Pope was going to be anything but fun in her eyes.

Pope was known to be the most boring out of all of her brothers. Craig was all the way at the top considering all he did was snort cocaine to keep himself energized, had sex and held a party until the sun came up. If she had to put Deran in second place considering he was more of an outdoors guy. He enjoyed surfing and the beach, a topic that Jessica constantly had on her mind.

Baz was almost tied with Pope for having fun because he always had to ruin everything when something went down. She couldn't keep count on how many times he tried getting Craig to stop a party at Smurf's, Jessica always told him that he needed to live a little more. Pope on the other hand was the definition of boring as he never wanted to have any fun to begin with.

When Jessica went to pack some of her things, Baz spoke to Pope and told him what he thought was going on with her. it was clear that she had it been the same after he left and he knew that Smurf had a hand in it. That was the whole point of her getting Baz to do the errands instead of J. Pope also noticed how she behaved and took suspicions as well he just didn't share them.

He was going to keep a close eye on her because if he returned and Jessica was worse, he wasn't going to hear the end of it. Before they left the Cody home however Jessica slipped a few more pills in her mouth and tucked some away in her shorts. It was going to be difficult to take them around Pope but she was good at being sneaky especially when it came to her drug use. It had numbed her pain for her arm but it also numbed everything else in her life as well. Even though she didn't show it Jessica was internally fighting what happened. 

She hadn't protected J and she had it protected Nicky from Javi and his men. Even though they both were okay it's still bothered her that she didn't do anything to help. She did do her best though and Smurf was right about her holding her ground. She had just never been in a situation like that and it shook her to her core.

Jessica lifted her head off of the car window and opened her blue-grey eyes. She had trouble sleeping all night not only due to her injuries but from what she saw that night as well. She had never seen someone murdered in front of her, especially an ex-boyfriend. Baz was supposed to be there for comfort but it didn't stop her from being scared. She was tossing and turning until the pills kicked in. It had gotten her a little piece of sleep but not much. Even though Jessica was as fit girl the pills still took its toll on her despite her having a tolerance as well.

Blinking her eyes a couple times she narrowed at the highway as the lights hit her straight in the face. Pope's eyes shifted to the passenger seat, he was glad that she was still alive.

"How far are we? Are we even in Mexico yet?" She asked trying to reach around the back for her bag, she wanted her sunglasses on.

"We're almost there. We have to cross the border and then we have an hour after that" Pope said after looking at the GPS. Not only was it Pope's first time in Mexico but Jessica's as well. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm a barrel of sunshine. Can all of you quit treating me like glass? I'm fine, I just don't look it" It was evident that she was lying but Pope wasn't going to push it. "We don't even speak Spanish, how are we going to do anything with the doctor?"

Baz had been the only one in the family that spoke Spanish but didn't know it by heart. Deran had taken French in high school whereas the others never took a foreign language. Everything was taken care of but Pope wasn't sure how or even by who.

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