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Hello little rabbit people! I need to ask you guys a really really REALLY important question. Do you like raaaaiiin? Cause I like rain. It's all... Raaaiiny n stuff. Yeah, you're probably thinking that I'm a lunatic right now... CUZ I AM!!!

After hours of exerting work, Thicket finally laid a crack in the side of the rock. "can...I...take....a....break?" asked Thicket in between huffs and puffs. "I guess we could both use a break..." muttered Thunder, walking through the rows of dead trees, admiring his work. "thank...you....Thunder" gasped Thicket. Thunder just nodded and continued to walk through the trees, "I'll race you to my den" muttered Thunder. "oh, you're on! I'm the fastest Pokemon in ilex forest!" bragged Thicket. And the two were off.


Thickets jaw had dropped when he entered the cave and saw Blossom sprawled out on the ground. "B-blossom? A-are you o-o-ok?" asked Thicket quietly. Soon, Blossom gained consciousness and tried to stand up, "w-who is this?" she asked, for some reason, her vision was blurry. "T-this is Thicket" he answered. Right after hearing the name 'Thicket', Blossom immediately squeezed him into the tightest hug ever. "I knew you didn't forget me..." she mumbled. "why would I ever forget my bestest friend in the world?" asked Thicket, all Blossom did was hug him even tighter. "I was so scared Thicket...I didn't wanna lose my best friend..." she said. Soon, Thunder tore the two apart saying, "we don't have all day, we're on a tight schedule, so don't waste your break on hugging. Blossom, we won't have time to catch up, so you two will be training together." "hey Thunder?" mumbled Blossom, Thunder flicked his ear to show that he was listening. "what will you train us to do exactly?" she asked. "that is between me, you two, and my future forest." he muttered. "your future forest?!" gasped Thicket, "the forest isn't yours!" "it soon will be" whispered Thunder.


As the three walked back to the newly emptied field after the break, Thunder began to slice a fallen tree into slices as big as himself and about three inches thick. "what are those for?" asked Thicket. "these are for your training" muttered Thunder, who was setting up the slices of wood around Thicket and Blossom. "are these like, targets or something?" asked Blossom. "exactly" whispered Thunder. He had placed the last target down, forming a large circle of targets around them, "break them all" he added. After that, Thicket started attacking one side with vine whip, and Blossom started attacking the other side with magical leaf.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2012 ⏰

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