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Hey guys! It's a little weird that I've updated this early, but I don't really care. You guys can just read now

The next day, Thicket got up early and climbed over to Blossoms nest. "get up!" he said, shaking her, because everybody in the forest knew that she was a heavy sleeper. After a while Blossom got up, "why'd you get up so early?" she asked, half asleep. "wanted to get an early start, now get outta bed!" he said. "fiiinnne!" she whined, as she hopped out of her nest, carrying the bag. "now let's go ask Noctim about this" she added. "what?! That creepy old guy?!" Thicket shrieked. "yes, and he's just too smart for you!" she said playfully, it was always funny when Thickets being made fun of.


As the two finally made it to Noctims house, the elderly Noctowl answered the door. "hello there, do you need something?" he asked. "um, yes sir, we were wondering if you know anything about this seed?" Blossom replied, showing him the bag. Soon after, Noctim snatched the bag and flew into his house, Blossom and Thicket not far behind. "where did you find this?" he asked, after setting the bag on the desk. "but sir, it's what's inside the bag that we're talking about..." Blossom said as polite as she could. After that, Noctim opened up the bag "oh no... This is not good at all..." he muttered. "what's wrong? Is the seed cursed or something?" Blossom asked. "no, no, it's that the seed is inside a BAG!" Noctim said, about to have a heart attack. "is the seed that important?" Blossom asked. "it's two things: one, the seed is one of Johtos greatest treasures. And two, only one thief would even dare go near it. Again. Where did you guys find this?" he said, obviously serious. "in the deeper part of the forest..." Blossom answered. "this is not good at all..." Noctim said, giving Thicket the bag. "guard that with your life, stay together, and do NOT go into the deeper forest after dark" he added, pushing them out the door.

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