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Hello pastries! Tis I, Mr. Something here with meh cute lil chapter 5! You may begin to feed off of my story's utters! XD

"Come on! Let's go visit Thunder!" pleaded Thicket. It was just a few days after they met that made Thicket adore Thunder. "Nooo! He's scary!" Blossom said. "well I don't think he's that scary!" replied Thicket. Seconds later, he was pinned down from behind by the Luxray. "scared now?" he whispered. "scared is a relative term! Calm down dude!" Thicket yelled. Thunder only pushed down harder and muttered, "say you're scared of me, then climb on my back" "ok, I'm scared now" Thicket said. "good boy" said Thunder, who bit the end of Thickets tail and tossed him on his back, "now girl, hop on my back too" Blossom climbed onto his back and the three were off to somewhere that only Thunder knew of.


Soon Blossom and Thicket found themselves in an even denser part of the forest. "FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!!!!! JUST TELL US WHERE WE'RE GOING!!!" cried Blossom, who thought she was going to puke out her breakfast. "well, we're going somewhere" muttered Thunder, who was bounding through the trees at an incredible speed. Soon, he stopped at a small clearing and bucked them off. "owowow.." Blossom and Thicket moaned. "stay here and call if you hear anybody come, I'll be back in a few minutes" muttered Thunder, who crouched down and dissapeared into the trees. "what do you think he's doing?" asked Thicket, "I bet he's going to a secret meeting about the fate of the world!" "ooooor. He's just going to get food" Blossom said, ending the conversation.


"I'm back." whispered Thunder, who had something small and green in his mouth, "eat up" he added, dropping it in front of them. It was a dead Shroomish. "how do you expect us to eat that?!" cried Blossom, "easy" muttered Thunder, who tore off a leg and swallowed it without chewing. For a few minutes, Thicket and Blossom ate their first Pokemon.


Soon, Blossom and Thicket hopped back on Thunders back and he ran up to a gigantic mountain. "this is my home..." whispered Thunder.

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