If I Can't Be With You, Tonight

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Jonghyun's POV

The wind blew through my hair as I opened my eyes, the cold shift in the room causing me to not want to leave the comfort of my bed. Listening to the music being played on the radio in the corner of my room. I can hear from the other room mom walking to someone on the phone, which I can already conclude its probably Kibum. The thought of the other is the only thing that makes me ready to rush out of bed in a haze of giggles. I can truly say I have never been at this happy of a level, and its because I have Kibum by my side.

"Jonghee?" I hear mom knock on my wooden door lightly.

"Its time to wake up, Key and his mom are on their way over," she states a little louder.

"I'm awake mama," I inform her, as I hear her footsteps edging away.

Merry Christmas Jonghyunnie! I hope you have a wonderful day and I am so happy you and Kibum are together. From me and Irene; Merry Christmas and Jongkey nation!

Merry Christmas hyungie! Have a wonderful day to you Key! ~Taeminnie <3

Merry Christmas you dork, you and Key deserve each other, and next argument you two have, I swear I will lock you both in a closet

Giggling the most at Minho's comment, it reminds me of when me and Kibum use to fight when we were younger and Minho would lock us in a closet. We never stayed in it long because we always made up instantly. But the memory will always lay with me as the most funny. Getting out of bed, I start to get dressed as Kibum and his mom are on their way. It makes me slightly nervous because we have only been together for a week and we are spending the holiday together.

Then again, we have been spending the holidays together long before anything. Every year him and his mom have came over and we spent it together, now it just has a deeper meaning because we are together. And that still causes the biggest butterflies in my stomach and the happiest beat in my chest. I know always in the end, I have Kibum and I love him. So, quickly cleaning my room up with the cold of the room heaviering itself in the room. I hear the mom talking to someone and I know exactly who is at the door. So taking one more look in the mirror and a quick confident boost, I head into the other room.

"Jonghee," smiles Key coming up to me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hi Bunmie," I wrap mine comfortably around his neck, my head on his chest.

Ths silence around us isn't uncomfortable as it sometimes use to get before we got together. Being in his arms being warm compared to the cold of the weather around us. And at least now, I don't have to worry about hugging him for too long. I could hear a cough from my mom, looking up at her she shares with me a knowing smile and taking Kibum's mom in the other room.

"Christmas movies Bummie?" I ask after some more silence.

"Of course my Jonghee," I can hear his reply.

Sitting on the couch and putting on the Grinch. I cuddle up very closely to Kibum with his arms still never leaving from around me. And I don't mind if they never leave this spot. His arms are almost like my safe zone, I feel the most happy and safe when I am in Kibum's arms.

"You ok Key?" I ask looking up at the other.

A gorgeous smile overtakes his face," I am, I am more than ok with you right here next to me."

Lay Me Down (A Jongkey Christmassy Short Story) 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now