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In 5 days exactly, I was about to travel to Europe. Yes, Europe!!!

I was incredibly nervous and my thoughts we're full of expectations. Ive read so much about Europe that I couldn't believe I was finally going. I WAS GOING TO BLOODY EUROPE FOR 4 MONTHS... and the best part was that my travel partner was my best friend, Theo.

Theo. <3 

You see Theo and I met on our senior year of high school. Since Theo parents worked at the British Embassy, they moved quite often; to be precise every two years.

So, Theo was in my English class. And we met, when our teacher assign us as partners for a project.  

After that day we have become great friends. We had an amazing chemistry and since the beginning we just clicked.  

We hanged out all the time and shortly we became best friends. After senior year was over, he decided to study back at London. Were he grew up and most of his family lived.

 I was crushed that he left me... we had the best relationship ever. I felt that I knew him forever. You know, the kind of friendships that they are just your soul mates, the one you get along so easy and think so alike.

 Well this definitely was one of those. Theo in such a short period became my closet friend and my favourite person. He made me smile, he made me feel safe, he made feel special, he made me feel loved. Sometimes I wonder if that feeling is like home...

After we graduated high school, I got in The University of Columbia, New York. 

 I adapted pretty well to Uni life but I missed him every day.

So after our first year of Uni was over, I decided it was time for a little adventure. 

Meaning, going to visit Theo and studying abroad. I needed to a change of scenery, I seeked adventures, carzy nights out and mostly the company of my best friend. 

Cause you see, I feel like everyone talks about long distance relationships but no one ever talks about the long distance relationship with your best friend. It requires a lot of commitment. 

So I convinced my parents for a semester abroad in Spain. That was the excuse. Honestly I wanted to go but I was more excited for the fact that I would see my best friend more often. I never told my parents that part, they would have never let me go or either way they would had freak out.
So we decided to plan this trip and meet up in Spain. Before my semester abroad we were going to do a Eurotrip! Traveling the most we could around Europe.

I was overwhelmed about the whole trip! I was leaving and I hadn't even packed my suitcase.

I was going to spend 4 months abroad, in a foreign continent, and I would be hanging with Theo most of the time.  Oh my gosh let's hope for the best.


What will I do when I arrive to Madrid? Well I guess I have to try the famous 'huevos rotos' everyone keeps recommending. Or go to the palacio real. Or maybe el retiro. SO MANY PALCES TO GO AND SO LITTLE TIME.


"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Madrid! I hope you enjoyed your flight and enjoy your stay!"

After what seemed like ages I arrived to Madrid. I crossed migration and I was ready to go! Theo flight was suppose to arrive before mine so I was about to text him. Before I heard someone call my name. Of course I recognised that voice. Theo. "WELCOME TO EUROPE BELLYYYYYYY"

OMG. Now I know everything will be okay. Now I understand I made an extraordinary choice to come to Euorpe with Theo. He's just the best. I haven't seen him in a year.
You see, Theo is the just the perfect guy. He's tall but not too tall. He's so well educated and brilliant. He's so much fun. Always thinking on how to make a situation better. He's so genuine. And the best part is our friendship.
We have such an open and honest friendship that I truly can talk about anything with him. I can be completely serious with him but at the same time be goofy af. Like the quote: "laugh forever with someone you take serious."
He's my partner in crime, my best bud and truly my favourite person.

So, one thing was for sure... this was going to be an amazing and mad trip.

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