Chapter 12 - The Hand of God

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Though the rain continued another seven weeks, with their new- found understanding of one another, being able to spend more of their time together added a new dimension to the relationship between Greg and Susan. Gradually their thinking towards one another changed and they became more clearly a pair traveling together than they ever had been before. Their new jobs at the school prevented them from having to dig into their savings any further to get through the rainy season and even allowed them to build it up some before it was over.

When the sun finally did come out, Greg thought about going back to fishing, but the school paid almost as well and this way they could spend their weeks together. They both had a tendency to worry that an opportunity might arise to leave, and they wouldn't be ready.

They had eighty-two dollars of their savings left when just such an opportunity arose.

Susan sighed as they considered what to do. They no longer had enough to get them all the way to the government seat of this island nation, but only to Telleron.

"We don't have to go to the capital," Greg suggested.

"We do to get home," Susan said.

"Not necessarily. Early in the season some of the boats sell their fish directly at port side markets where they can get top price. I've found one that will let me work on the way to Telleron to reduce our fare."

"How much would they charge to take us?" Susan asked.

"Since they are going there anyway, it would be twenty dollars each one-way, plus the work of fishing. The payment is to cover the extra hands they'll have to carry by leaving us off there instead of bringing us back."

Susan looked back at the jar where they'd been keeping their cash.

"That would leave us with forty-two dollars after we get there," she said.

"Enough to get us by until we both can get jobs," Greg insisted. "Also, haven't the Wilson's been in touch with someone in Telleron on our behalf?"

"They have, but all the mission there can offer is an assured job for me in exchange for housing for six months and a low rate of pay, less than I've been earning here," Susan explained.

"Would the housing be for both of us?" Greg asked.

"Just for me, I think. You would still have to pay ... unless they would let us stay together. It might be cheaper that way. I'm not sure they would though given it's run by the mission," Susan cautioned.

"You mean because we're not married," Greg realized.


Greg sighed as he went to stand at their sitting room window watching the water from the afternoon rain drip from the leaves of the plants that stood around the cottage.

"Susan, have you not considered ... we have been living together for more than a year. We are committed to maintaining our level of involvement with one another at a certain level ... and it's not as though we've never been married," Greg reminded her.

"The most recent of which was nearly two centuries ago," Susan reminded him. "Besides, church doctrine definitely does not include reincarnation."

"I remember," he assured her. "I also remember that it is the differences in our faith that is one of our tripping points. I will pay, if it will avoid that."

Susan nodded.

"Do you know how much I'd have to pay?"

"No. The letter Karen showed me didn't say."

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