Chapter 13

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Amy's POV:
Long story short we went to Diagon Alley,bought our school books and uniform where we met a blond boy and then we headed off to buy our wands while Hagrid went somewhere."Ah Mr Potter I was wondering when I would meet you.It seems like only yesterday your mother and father were here to buy their wands."said and old man.I guess that's Ollivander.He started grabbing tons of different wands for Harry but non were right for him.Then suddenly Ollivander's eyes twinkled,"I wonder..."Then he brought out casing and took it out for Harry.Harry gave it a swish and Ollivander nodded clearly happy,"Curious...curious.""Sorry sir but what's curious."Harry asked."Two wands are never the same,but you have the same wand as the man who gave you that scar."He finished off pointing at Harry's scar.It would be better if we got out soon because that man was giving me the creeps.Then finally it was my turn."Miss Kathy wand would you like?"he asked but before I could answer he ran back in and got out a few wands The same result as Harry NON of them worked."I see I have 2 hard customers today."he said and Harry and me blushed crimson red."No matter Miss Kathy I know what to get you and he left again.I looked at Harry and mouthed"Will I have the same wand as you?"And he mouthed back,"I don't know."I nodded my head and looked at Ollivander who had ran in with a box that had a faint glow of green and pink surrounding it and I gave it a flick.Warmth flooded through me.Ollivander happily nodded and said,"Sea foam,seaweed and a feather of a dove."I grasped my wand happily thinking about it.
Soon we were out of Diagon Ally and heading home and on the way Harry complained to Hagrid,"But Hagrid do I really have to stay with the Dursleys for the whole summer until school starts."Hagrid and I laughed and Hagrid said,"Of course 'arry?"I sniggered and said sarcasticly,"No,no your going to live with Hagrid,obviously you have to stay with the dursleys you idiot."
Soon Harry left to 4 privet Drive and I headed to Camp half blood.I couldn't wait for school to start.Don't worry I still love camp half blood but really you can't blame me for being excited for some thing new.Oh and Hagrid had bought Harry and I owls.Mine was called Snow and Harry's was called Hedwig.

A/N:Thanks for reading my dear readers! ^.^

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