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What's up fuckers,

This one's kinda sad at the very beginning but nothing triggering.

Enjoy Xx

Original title: Like Animals
Credits to: Sammyswagstar (AO3)

Sometimes Luke wished he had ears like Calum’s. Calum had floppy brown puppy dog ears and they never got dirty. And Calum’s tail was long and wagged back and forth and everyone ‘aww’ed all the time at him. Luke was /not/ jealous except for the fact that he definitely was. He wanted to be a cute omega like Calum was, but instead he was just weird. Calum always knew how to get what he wanted, his big eyes and perfectly kissable pout made him impossible to deny. When Luke wanted something he’d whine about it until someone was so annoyed they’d just give it to him to shut him up. And his ears and tail weren’t cute at all. The cat ears on top of his head were pink- fucking pink!- and got dirty all the time. His tail was so big and fluffy that it was always getting in the way. Luke felt like he was always getting in the way. Most of all, he hated how desperate he was for the attention of the Alphas of the band. Since Michael and Ashton were Alphas, they weren’t hybrids and didn’t possess any animal features. They were lucky. And absolutely lovely.

It was another night on the tour bus on their way to another city so they could play another show. And it was another night of Michael, Ashton, and Calum taking over the back lounge. From his bunk, Luke could hear them even if he shoved his pillow over his head. Calum’s cries and Michael’s moaning and Ashton’s fucking dirty talk. Every “suck his cock” and “you like my fingers in your ass” and every “baby”, “good boy”, “princess”, and name Luke’s ever wanted to be called sounded clear as day to him.

He’s the baby of the band. The only one still 18 and the only one who hasn’t presented yet. So technically he could call it unfair all he wanted, but it was perfectly fair. He didn’t get to join in the fun, or have any fun, until he was a proper omega, ready for mating. Michael and Ashton already promised him they would take care of him like they did Calum, so they could all stay together forever. Luke was getting sick and tired of waiting for that day, though.

The next morning was also pretty typical. Luke was up first so he made his way to the front of the bus to grab some cereal and sit at the table until Ashton came in and began preparing a plate of food for Calum. Luke sat in silence, wishing someone would make him food. Michael and Calum entered next, the latter being carried in the arms of the former. Luke was seeing green as Michael set Calum down at the table then slid onto the bench next to him.

“Morning,” Ashton chirped to everyone except Luke. If he were going to say good morning to Luke, he would have when he first came in. He brought over three plates of sandwiches, carrying them waiter style and setting them down in front of everyone who didn’t have soggy, nasty corn flakes. Ashton sat next to Luke and scooted to the middle of the bench to force Luke into crowding in the corner against the side of the bus. He flicked his tail onto his lap so that the Alpha wouldn’t sit on it.

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