The town - which was permitted only through the vaulted access gate which close at night - was surrounded by a moat and walls were made of stone or brick, the walls had towers; round and square designed both for defense and decorations.

As the land available within the wall of the town was limited, the street was narrow. The picturesque but crowded street was full of obstacles preventing a comfortable movement across the town, the only centre which was clear for horsemen with his lance across his saddle wasn't where Priscilla wanted to be.

At the moment, the King and his Queen were out of the palace for the first time since Priscilla came. She had threatened her husband Allan that she wouldn't forgive him for what he has done unless he took her out of the palace. Allan had refused the first two time, but as Priscilla continued on ignoring him constantly he had agreed, but again he argued that they would go out if and inky if the castle guards came with them and that they should take a carriage with them. Though, again the stubborn Sude of the princess won; the same reason as to why they were walking across the street.

Allan had have been sincerely sorry for mistreating her, or on her case for man handling her, and so he wanted to make up for it, even though it still wasn't and won't be enough.

The houses reflected the rank of those living in them. The houses of the high rankings looked like a small fortresses with those if ordinary people resemble the houses of peasants. Many houses were built of wood and peaked roof was ornamented by a gable or a turret.

Allan has been alert of the surrounding, they have disguised themselves with cloaks and normal wearing, yet he was still afraid of someone discovering them. Priscilla on the other hand was enjoying herself, looking at the simple and not fancy ornaments on the shops.

"Sooth the mind, Allan." Priscilla trued calming him, slipping his name across her tongue for the first time.

Allan looked shocked, surprised.

He smiled, a wide and genuine smile that he has never done before, at least not that she could of remember.

Priscilla nodded her head with a confused look, as she didn't realize what has made his heart drumming and his face so dazzlingly smiling, for she didn't also know that she called him by his name. Priscilla had been wanting to call him with the name he suggested but was always having the difficulty to do so.

"My lady teased my name." His smile got wider.

With the busy town, noisy with the town crier, church bells and traders calling out their wares it was hard to hear to what he said, but she did anyway, thus Priscilla's eye went wide.

"I did not mean to my majesty! I apologize for the deserving high punishment mistake." Priscilla bowed.

Allan's jaw ticked, anger surfaced and a scream throttled his throat, he looked around, searching for any eye settled upon them, and when he saw none, he gazed at her.

"Myself had ordered you to say so, Priscilla. By not calling me, your punishment was to be given! I demand it!" His voice had edge to it, again though she heard it however it was low.

"My king!" She was submissive.

"Raise your head! Crowded eyes are still out to hunt us."

Allan had always craved for the fear everyone gave to him, he liked their heads below them, bowing and sending the respect he deserved, but with her, it was different. He wanted her to see him in the eye, to be what she always was before she was his wife and the Queen of his Empire, and when she didn't give him that, Allan was frustrated at himself.

Priscilla slowly lifted her head, watching the raw of fast food sellers, selling such things as hot sheep's feet and beef ribs. Priscilla used to love them, she used to always run to town at her village with her brother, the crown Prince Edwin.

"We shall move, a place there is I want your eyes to lie upon." Allan took her hand,taking her out of the crowd.

"To where My-" she pause,not wanting to anger him. "Allan?"

He smile, then faced her without it.

"Give me the trust you own!"

And with that they went walking on the cobblestones on the town,made of red and blue, passing wooden framed houses, unlike her past village the gaps was filled with woven strips of wood named wattle and daubed with clay and horse-dung.

As they reach their destination, Priscilla gasped in awe.

The wildflowers ran all blue, red and yellow far as the eye could see. The stream flows quietly from beneath them were the orchards were ending in pastures. Above them all was a big waterfall chasing each other, forming a raucous of splashes over the blue water bodies that welcomes them.

Priscilla didn't really know how, but at the moment where her husband slept by her lap and she combed his brown hair with her fragile soft hands, she was happy and relieved after all those days of being suffocated inside the castle.

Her eyes see as the children play by the garden of the flowers she smiles, then as she saw the man by her lap her smile transferred to grin. He was tired, or so she thought, for he was already sleeping with his mouth fully closed unlike her who shore whenever she sleeps.

Priscilla started to study his feature intently, starting from the scar that starts from his forehead to his eye then on the other side which had another scar on his jaw claiming his half face since it begun from his left ear,yet he was an art to admire.

His features then go to his not so full eye brow, his medium eyelashes, his straight nose and smoothly croaked jawline. His pink lips were last to be seen by her, full and dull was them, never has she saw as them.

They stayed there till the dawn struck and the sun was leaving their region, the darkness eating them. Priscilla didn't want to wake him from his deep sleep, no matter how her leg hurt. She kept reading the book she tagged along with her, hearing the peaceful sound of the waters and breathing the airs that the flowers were kind to lend.

As now might be the last time she gets a view of this beauty nature, Priscilla sighed watching the place again trying to paint it in her mind and saving it. Slowly but surely Allan woke up, watching around him then smiling as if he remembered who he was with, or maybe it was the dream he saw before the curtains were open.

As they made their way to the castle, aiming to the sane door they went out from: the same door that Lord Eugene would wait for them on, they talked as a normal human being, not as king and queen but as couples who were deeply in love.

Priscilla laughed and chatted with him and Allan couldn't be much frisky.

It was all until though a black wearing man passed by Priscilla's side. Everything was happening in a blink of an eye,one moment Priscilla was laughing at the open flirting of her husband and next she was silent and her face made a grimace of pain.

"I notice of your face my Darling, what of happened? Are you feeling a bit of pain?" Allan asked, watching her intently.

She grab his hand,watching the man that also disguised himself, but Priscilla has caught his eyes that were green and she remembers them from somewhere but her mind couldn't focus as the pain on her side was too much for her to bear.

The castle was in view, maybe if she could hold whatever was happening to her, her knees buckled. Allan was quick to hold her before she reached the floor scooting beside her with a worried and fearful face.

"Oh dear God!" Allan murmur.

Priscilla put her hand on the side that she felt the pain on, Allan was quick to put his hands their too. She wince, shutting her eyes close and biting her lips.

Allan lifted his hand aware of her pain and noticing the cause; his hand.

"My Queen, wh-" he paused watching his hand colored different, his eyes wide and red. "Blast!"
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