Geoffrey X Ryder Part 1

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I don't know why y'all want this but okay ...

The table seemed a bit soothing, the clanking of silverware against ceramic, the light chatter amongst the little triplets and the soft exchange of words between the parents. Everything was close to perfect except for the loving looks exchanged by the only other two teenagers at the table.

Ryder's heart broke everytime both boys would engage in whispered conversations and mindless giggling. He felt out of place, he didn't belong and staying would only lead to more torturous blows to his heart.

He contemplated leaving, coming up with a random excuse then just leaving. The sight of the young lovers seemed to be too much for his jealous heart. Soon, his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the front door.

He watched as the ginger quickly ascended from her chair, excusing herself. Ryder's eyes stayed glued to his food as he tried his best to distract himself from the boys.

"Sorry I'm late, had to work late at the shop" a low sultry voice graced the atmosphere.

Ryder's head darted up at the source of the salacious voice. It sounded so crude but delicate at the same time. His eyes met the man's. Hazels fixed on baby blue oceans and the entire room seemed to freeze. Time stopped as the lingering gaze carried on, even as Cat offered him a seat next to her's, right opposite Ryder.

The man's eyes never left Ryder's even as he descended upon the chair with a guttery huff.

"Geoffrey Holigan" he seemed to be introducing himself only to Ryder but the others on the table didn't seem to notice as more introductions were made.

"And you, son?" He rose a mocking brow at Ryder making him shift a bit in his seat. His lips parted, words hesitating to escape from them.

"Ryder sir" his voice cracked a tad as the man's heavy gaze shifted from him to his ex wife.

Cat served him some food and even as he dug in, his gaze remained on Ryder. Butterflies filled Ryder's nervous stomach till he just wasn't comfortable anymore.

"May I be excused, I have to use the bathroom" Ryder's voice piped up and Cat gave him a small nod and that was Geoff's cue.

"I'll take him" Ryder gulped loudly at the offer, his eyes were wide as they watched the man dab a napkin on his lips. His thin but lightly cherry colored kissable lips.

Ryder's lips parted, attempting to release any form of protest but the man was already on his feet, walking over to his side of the table.

He strides were slow but Ryder seemed to be lost in the man's intent stare to even notice he was already inches away.

"Come on" his large hand found a sensitive spot on Ryder's shoulder, at this point it seemed all spots on Ryder's skin felt sensitive to his touch.

"Let's go" by this time, everyone had went back to their food, except for Jason who was giving his father a suspicious look and Aleister who frowned slightly at the man's hand on his step brother's shoulder.

Slowly, Ryder followed and as they ambled slowly towards the stairs, the hand on his shoulder began to loosen thereby letting it slide down gently over the creases of his shirt.

Ryder sucked in a breath, feeling the sizzling heat under his touch. He instinctively shrugged off the man's hand, jogging up the stairs ahead.

He didn't miss the slight growl the man had let out at the loss of contact but he decided not to ponder.

He eventually reached the top of the steps and he stood in place, waiting for further instructions from the approaching brunette.

"Running away only to wait like a lost puppy" Ryder frowned at his comment, letting his lips form a tight pout. His expression left a humored smile on the older man's face.

"Right there" the man nudged his head at the last door on the left side of the small corrider.

Ryder's eyes spotted the door and he instantly took semi quick steps towards it. He could feel the daggers of stares on his back but he knew better than you turn to those captivating eyes again.

He opened the door, quickly passing through it. He released a deep breath. He was finally away from the man's burning looks.

Ryder opened his fly, standing over the toilet as he did his business. Relieved, he washed and dried his hands before leaving the bathroom.

Standing just outside was him. This time, he was looking down at his watch.

"I'm done" his head darted up and a small smile formed.

"Now let's get you back down" he was acting so normally than before, his eyes never found Ryder's anymore at least not in a discomforting way.

"Um okay" he turned to walk away but immediately felt the man's hand circle his arm and tug slightly.

Ryder turned to him with flustered cheeks and a racing heart as small shock waves charged to his groin.

"Your fly is open" the man's eyes narrowed down at the boy's erection. Ryder's eyes shot down at the open zipper where his bulge protruded.

"Fuck" he cursed under his breath, rushing to fix the problem of his opened fly. He'd just need to keep a distance between him and the man to solve the other problem.

"That boner cuz'a me?" Ryder froze, turning away while the man gave a throaty chuckle and walked closer to him.

"Did I make you hard?" Mere inches now separated both men and each felt the other's breaths. Ryder's was rough while the man's was steady and smooth regardless of the tension.

"Huh?" He urged on and Ryder's lips quivered slightly. He let out a sharp gasp the moment the man's hand clamped down on his crotch.

The man pressed hard, making the boy whimper in both pain and discomfort.

"Let go, it hurts" although he thought that wouldn't work, the man gave him a few gentle and pleasuring rubs before eventually letting go.

"Meet you downstairs, frisky" he gave the boy's messy hair a quick ruffling before leaving him to his aching erection and flustered cheeks.

This came out cuter than I expected, there's definitely a part 2....

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