"You Will Regret This"-Jisoo

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Lisa got up the next morning. Her thoughts were messed up. She was thinking how she could escape from a good beating from her unnies and was scared how BTS would strongly disapprove of her and Taehyung's relationship. But, the most prominent thought she had was if V really did change or was he playing with her too. She kind of brightened herself by thinking that V really loved her.
She shook it all off and after doing her morning routine, she went to school. She arrived school in ten minutes by her car. She got off and went into the school only to see all eyes on her. She was confused but later decided to move on from their looks. She proceeded inside when she saw the rest of BlackPink furiously proceeding towards her.
They reached her. Without even greeting her, they held her wrist and took her inside an empty classroom and made her sit on the front seat.
L: What is up with them? Why was everyone staring at me?
Jenchuchaeng were looking at her with a fierce look while Lisa was looking up at them while gulping. They suddenly started to laugh, leaving Lisa dumb-founded.
L: What?
R: Hahaha!! Bro! I did not know that you were so innocent!! Hahaha!
They three continued laughing. They at last controlled their laughing.
L: Can someone tell me why you are laughing and why everyone was staring at me?!?
Js: Sweetie! When you and Taehyung were talking in the park, someone caught you both hugging and posted that on Instagram!
L: And how am I innocent?
Jn: Pabo! You are dating a playboy! I know you have a crush on him but!
R: I didn't know you were so desperate! They laughed a bit more while Lisa,did not care. She got up and started to leave the classroom.
R: Where are you going?
Js: Yah!
Jn: Lisa!
Lisa ignored them. She was hurt that they did not actually support her decision and decided to underestimate her feelings and intelligence. She did not feel good leaving them but she was too blinded by V's black magic. She thought that they were shaming her and thought less of her.
She walked even faster when she heard them following. She ran even faster when she heard their footsteps getting more paced up. She ran till she bumped into None other than... Taehyung with his friends. She looked up and smiled while BlackPink stopped right there. V turned Lisa around and put his arm on her shoulder. Bts acted as if they were serious.
V: Why are you guys troubling her?
Jenchuchaeng became furious. How can someone actually try to pull them away from Lisa?
V: Well, Lisa is my girlfriend so I have all the rights to keep her safe.
Jk: Well, I see that she came running away from you to us.
Sg: Proves it!
Jh: Now Leave!
V: SHE WON'T!!! Lisa, who do you want to stay with?
Lisa kept thinking for a while.
R: Leo! He is a playboy, we are your best friends.
L: I don't want to hurt you but best friends support their bestfriend's decision rather than shading them.
Jn: Think it through, Li-
Js: You will regret this!
They three left without saying a word. Lisa buried her face in V's chest and cried. V carcassed her shoulder while holding her tight. V and the rest of BTS were looking at each other while smirking. It was their first step to drive the toy's friends away so that their toy does not have any other person to guide her.
After Lisa stopped crying, she lifted her face up. Bts stopped smirking and started acting serious. Lisa was still between sobs.
L: Was it bad for me to do that?
V: No, Jagi! Bestfriends are there to support, not to shame.
Jin: You shouldn't be guilty.
Jm: They will soon apologise. Don't worry.
V: C'mon! Let's go to the school field. We will feel fresh.
Lisa nodded lightly and put her head on V's shoulder while his hand was on Lisa's shoulders. The rest of Bts were smirking while looking at each other.
They were sitting in the school field. Everyone was shocked to see that Taelice was actually real but no one had the courage to tamper with the relationship of the couple, each belonging to famous groups, or should I say one belonging to a famous group and the other did not any longer.
They sat there for 3 hours straight (they bunked the first three classes). Lisa was actually feeling comfortable with V and BTS. Surprisingly, BTS were also feeling well with Lisa around. Just V and Yoongi were still in the playboy mode.
L: I am glad that you people accepted me.
Rm: We had to! V's choice is never bad!
Lisa's smile slightly faded. She knew that Taehyung wasn't the best person to be having dreams of marraige with because he was a playboy but seeing his fake sweetness, Lisa shook this feeling off.
L: Maybe I should leave.
Jk: Why So soon?
Jm: Yeah! We can bunk the whole day if we had such a nice source of entertainment with us.
L: Can I take that as a compliment?
Jm: Sure!
Jh: Why Leave now, Lisa?
L: Actually, I had this very important class. I have to ask for my notebook, pen, pencil and a rubber band from this thief teacher.( she wanted to meet her unnies so she lied)
Sg: Which subject?
L: Geography.
Rm: If you really want to go then you can.
V: Lisa, meet me after the school ends. We will go for a walk!
L: Sure!
Lisa smiled her widest smile to V.V also did the same. She waved at Bts and went away.
Jh: I don't know why you people hate her.
Rm: I don'!
Jm: Nor do I.
Jk: I don't hate her but she ain't my type.
Jin: We should stop playing with this kind soul. She is so sweet to us. This is the first time I am feeling guilty.
Sg: I am still having fun.
V: I will keep playing till I feel like breaking up!
Sg: What has gotten into them?
V: I don't know! They just lost their playboy spirits or something.
Lisa reaches the outside of her Geography class. All of BlackPink were to attend this class so she decided to come in this period itself. The teacher wasn't there so she got in and sat where she saw Blackpink's bags. Rosé was sitting alone behind Jensoo. Lisa later moved to another seat because she was still angry with those three.
Jenchuchaeng came back in and saw Lisa. They made eye contact with her but then looked away and sat on their seats. Lisa kept looking at them, hoping they would look back, but, they didn't.

Time Skip

It was the dispersal time. Lisa was in a bad mood because of her and her unnies' broken friendship but she started smiling after remembering that he and V had to meet after school.
Lisa reached in the corner of the school field where she saw V
Info: They are in the last term of high school. They will be graduating next month. They all are already 18 and know how to drive. They will be going to the same college afterwards.

End Of This Chapter
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