'Lone Wolf'

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Keith Centric Angst/ Plantonic Kallura (Unless you want it to be romantic I guess you can if you squint).

Includes themes of depression, eating disorder if you squint, and self hatred.


"Shiro, it's fine! Just continue without him, he doesn't like social interaction anyways." Lance argued as he rolled his eyes with flailing arms.

Shiro sighed unsure of what he would do, "But...He's just been off today. He's been off in general. He doesn't even try to talk to us anymore, he just trains, works, and sometimes sleeps or eats. It doesn't feel right."

"But you know he'll give you trouble. He'll probably refuse to go and pout the entire time he's here or something. He's...he's like a lone wolf! Think of him like that. He prefers being alone!" Lance suggested leaning against the hall of the hallway and shrugging.

Shiro thought it through for a minute before shaking his head and making a decision, "Yeah...you're probably right. I'll just leave him be for now, I'll let him have his own time to himself. He probably still isn't used to being in space. Maybe he just needs alone time to unwind and figure things out. Maybe sort out his emotions and adjust."

"There, that's the spirit!" Lance cheered patting Shiro on the back with a smile, "Now let's cook up some popcorn, ooh-! Maybe we can build a blanket fort again! Hunk and Pidge are blanket masters!" Lance ranted with excitement as him and Shiro exited the hallway.

Around the corner Keith stood shaking after hearing their conversation. He sighed to himself and chewed at his lips a bit. He looked down onto himself with disgust before covering himself up with crossed arms and heading to the training room. Alone. Yep, just how he liked it. Alone...totally.


The next day Keith woke up a bit late and automatically felt guilty. He had stayed up a bit later than he should've training and jump roping in the training room. It wasn't until about six this morning that he finally gave himself a break to fall asleep and rest a little. Not too much though- he couldn't get used to the delightful circumstances. They could change any moment, nothing normal feeling can last forever. Something always ruins it all eventually.

Keith looked at his baggy eyes and splashed his face with water before giving his face a light slap. He was fine. He needed to stop acting so affected by everything. He was fine. He would be fine.

He dressed nicely. Nice enough to not show enough of his body and make people disgusted. He didn't want to be an eye sore.

After taking deep breaths, Keith walked out of his room fixing his posture and heading for the kitchen.

Once he arrived, the other paladins had already began eating and Coran was discussing the nutritions and effects of the food goo.

"This goo has all of the nutrition you guys need! It may be a bit fattening, but it's pretty much all we've got that's safe for you to eat while still having proper nutrients. It's nothing to effect your day to day life, really! Oh, hello number four! At least I believe you're number four. Because you're taller than Pidge, but shorter than Lance. I'll mind that later! Anyway, get yourself some food and eat all that you need! We have wellness check today! We'll be making sure that you're all physically healthy."

Keith nodeded with a shrug as he looked down. He got himself a bit of food goo and headed for the table debating whether it was worth it to eat of not. He felt a deep feeling of disgust bubble inside of him while looking at the food, but he knew he still needed to eat every now and then to be able to train and engage in battle.

He had to be good enough and helpful while remaining pleasing to look at.

Not that it was working.

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