Chapter 1 - The Sky Tribe's Chief

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This is a fan fiction based on the anime/manga Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn). This story is for Soo-won. I do not own the character except for my own original character. This story is already finished and revised so expect the updates to be regular. Please enjoy!

There are going to be three books in the SHI series:

(P.S. Even if you don't read the other stories and just read each one, you would still understand the plot since every story is independent and doesn't affect each other)

Love is Sweeter than Revenge (Soo-won Love Story) - COMPLETED

Love is Sweeter than Protection (Hak Love Story) - TBP

Love is Sweeter than Sins (Ik-su Love Story) - TBP


Chapter 1 – The Sky Tribe's Chief

I hit the target with my kusarigama—a weapon that was used to keep the enemies at bay by swinging the weighted chain and then slashing the enemies with the weighted blade that was at the end of the chain.

I blew my hair out of my face, did a backhand spring, and threw the kusarigama to the training dummy, destroying it in the process.

I heard the sound of clapping behind me and I turned around to look at the direction of where it came from. "Mundok," I greeted.

Mundok was an old man with blue eyes. He had a long scar etched over his right eye that made his eyelid shut permanently. He tied his grey hair in a ponytail and was wrapped with an umber brown bandanna on his forehead. On the sidelocks of his fringes, there were beaded ornaments decorated on each end. He also had a grey mustache and beard.

"I apologize if I interrupted your training," he said. "I'm here to tell you that another marriage request for you came in today,"

"I refuse,"

"Figured out that you'll say that," he chuckled. "When am I going to get used to these marriage requests for you? They almost came every week. If you still haven't found someone you want to marry, maybe you can just wait for Tae-yeon to grow up,"

"Very funny, Mundok," I rolled my eyes. "There's no way that I'm going to marry your grandson,"

Tae-yon was Mundok's adopted grandson together with Hak. Tae-Yeon was a frail young boy with short light brown hair and big blue eyes. Hak on the other hand—he was my childhood friend back when he still was not assigned to be Queen Yona's bodyguard. Hak was also known as the 'Thunder Beast' due to his outstanding fighting skills.

"I never thought that being too beautiful would make someone so miserable," Mundok shook his head in dismay. "I don't see why you want to remain hidden with that beauty of yours that surpasses everything in this world,"

Mundok was right. My beauty made me miserable. This face was something that girls envied and something that made boys drool. Marriage requests were sent here and there because guys here in the Wind Tribe were obsessed over my beauty.

"If only I didn't look like this..." I whispered.

"I understand that you want to be liked because of your personali—"

"I also want to be needed because of my fighting skills," the tone in my voice was sharp and bitter.

"I know that you're not that far from beating Hak," Mundok nodded. "You train everyday even though you have natural skills when it comes to fighting,"

"Of course," I shrugged. "I trained with Hak when we were little,"

Hak was the closest friend that I ever had. I loved him as a friend and only as a friend. I couldn't see Hak as something more and I knew that he was obsessed over the fact that he needed to protect the new Queen. Hak was also the first one who called me 'ugly'. I knew that he did not mean it but he also knew that I wanted to hear that.

I was strange for wanting someone to call me ugly.

"I would make you the general of the Wind Tribe if it wasn't for the fact that every single man here is in love with you," he told me. "It might be a hassle if someone complains everyday just to have the chance to see you,"

"Tell me about it,"

"I guess that you became quite strong if the old man is giving it a thought to make you the general, huh?" a new voice joined the conversation.

I turned to look at the owner of the voice. "Hak?"

"I told you to call me 'grandpa'!" Mundok yelled at Hak.

This was all too familiar.

"What are you doing here?" I wondered. "The Queen needs her bodyguard,"

"The Four Dragons are there so there's no need to worry about that," he walked toward me and patted my head like a little child since he was a lot taller than me. "I can see that you're still as ugly as ever,"

"Thanks for the compliment," I mumbled.

"It wasn't supposed to be," Hak flicked my forehead. "But since you're an odd one, I know that you like to be called ugly,"

"I'll kick your ass if you came here without a reason, Hak," Mundok grew agitated. "I don't mind you coming to visit but Yona's a queen now. She needs extra protection,"

"You're so grumpy," Hak breathed out.

"So, why did you really come here?" I asked.

"Because I have a favour to ask from you, Allana,"

"What is it? If it's to marry some—"

Hak did not even let me finish my sentence. "I want you to be the general of the Sky Tribe."

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