Chapter 5 - The Sky Tribe's Chief

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Chapter 5 – The Sky Tribe's Chief

'I'm not into the idea of letting a lady protect me but I've got to admit, you're good,'


How the hell did Soo-won figure that out?

As far as I knew, I dressed myself properly as a guy and I had my voice lowered whenever I was talking to him.

I knew that my acting did not give anything away to reveal my true gender.

"W—What are you talking about?" I stuttered.

"What am I talking about?" he tilted his head to his right side like he did not know of what I was talking about.

"I'm not into the idea of letting a lady protect me?" I repeated some of his words earlier. "As you can see, I'm a guy. Am I now allowed to protect the chief?"

He chuckled. "I think that you've got something wrong,"

"Make it clear to me," I rolled my eyes. "You're not making any sense. You became the King but your observations are false,"

"I said that I was not into that idea but I admitted that you're good, right?"

"You implied that I was a 'lady',"

"Well..." he grinned at me. "Aren't you?"

I frowned. Why was he not making a big deal about this like I was? I did not want to be found out. Who knew of what this cursed physical appearance would do to me once everyone knew of what I really looked like when dressed as a woman.

Even though I did not care, I knew Hak would be disappointed. This was my first job outside of the Wind Tribe and a big one at that—so, if ever this mission turned to be a failure, I was the one who was going to be the most disappointed.

"I—I'm not," I defended myself.

"There's no use in lying to me..." he sighed. "...and that..." he pointed at my chest. "...wasn't really all that covered up,"

I felt the heat rose up to my cheeks and I immediately covered my chest like it was bare.

It was not my fault that it was quite...big and it took extra effort to cover it up. Even so, why did he need to point that one out?


"I—I didn't mean for it to sound like that!" he shook his head when he realized what he just said.

"Then why were you looking at it?!"

I was so frustrated at him that I wanted to tear him apart in shreds.

If he already found out that I was a woman, he could have just said it in a more appropriate way than pointing out that my chest wasn't properly covered up.

"Because it's very hard not to notice!" he reasoned. "And I know that you were a woman right from the very start! I just needed to confirm it!"

"And looking at my chest is the best way to confirm it?!"

There could have been other ways to confirm that I was a woman, right? Maybe he could just...I did not know what else but I was frustrated at him to even think about what was right or what was wrong.

It was the first time that I felt like this.

It was the first time that I felt insecure about something that was part of my physical appearance.

And it was all Soo-won's fault.

"It's the easiest way to confirm it," he breathed out.

"You're impossible," I shook my head in dismay. "I should have been told that the Sky Tribe Chief is a pervert,"

"I'm not a pervert!"

"You are!"

Our conversation was so childish that I would find myself laughing if I was not involved in this kind of situation.

"How did you lead the kingdom before when you're a pervert?" I argued some more. "You're hopeless," and with that, I started to walk away from him.

But a hand grabbed my arm and it felt like electricity flowed through my body, "I'm sorry if I have offended you but I figured out that you were a woman because I find you very beautiful,"

That again?

When would this curse stop?

I mustered up all my strength to get out of his grip, "Trust me..." I paused for a brief moment. "...I'm sickened of the fact that I always get that a lot."

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