Chapter 4 - The Sky Tribe's Chief

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Chapter 4 – The Sky Tribe's Chief

Soo-won laughed like what I said was the funniest thing in the world. "Y—You're funny," he managed to say in-between fits of laughter.

"You're odd," I observed.

"Did you really think that I can pull something when Hak's been guarding me like crazy?" he asked me while still laughing. "And now—with him out of the picture—you replaced him,"

"I'll follow you around all day and all night if I have to," it really was not in my cup of tea to follow him around all day and all night but I had no other choice but to do that.

Who knew of what else Soo-won was capable of doing?

"That's going too far," Soo-won chuckled. "But I wouldn't mind having a beautiful person like you to accompany me in my sleep,"

My eyes widened and I felt my face flush. "W—What are you talking about?" It really was not clear to me if Soo-won favoured men. He kept dropping hints and I was not that blind to not notice them. "I'll be off to bed,"

"Goodnight, Allan,"

I stood up and did not forget to shot him a glare as I walked away from him. I did not even bother to respond to what he said to me.

That was one weird conversation over dinner and Soo-won was one weird guy.

This was going to be tiring.


The next day after, I followed Soo-won anywhere that he went...except when he was using the bathroom because that was self-explanatory. If the Queen had not forgiven and had not given him the chief position, I wouldn't have had been doing this.

I somewhat wondered if the Queen was in the right state of mind.

Who the hell would forgive the guy who just murdered your father?

I knew that Hak was being reasonable enough not to trust Soo-won.

"Aren't you getting tired of doing that?" Soo-won asked me while I followed him to the place where we could see the Kouka Castle.

"I'm not," I stated flatly.

"You know..." his eyes stared blankly at the Kouka Castle like he was remembering some memories. "I used to be with my father here all the time. We would always look at the castle as he told me of his plans,"

I stared at Soo-won. I did not know why something inside me stirred when he told me that. I did not want to admit it but he looked so...vulnerable.

And it was not a good sight to see.

"Everything happens for a reason..." my voice trailed off. I did not want to pity him. If I needed to, I would keep my harsh personality when talking to him—but he was someone who also lost his father. One look at him and I realized that he really admired his father.

And everything that he did was for his father.

I grew up with my parents who loved me. It was kind of a shame that I was here and I left them back in the Wind Tribe. I did not know why royalties had such tragic moments with them. Soo-won and the Queen lost both of their fathers and I had no idea of what they were feeling since my family was complete.

"I sometimes wish that everything ended differently for all of us," he looked at me and he flashed a smile.

My heart started to beat faster and my face flushed.

How could he keep smiling like that?

I knew that he did some bad things but why did he have that expression on his face? He had the right to be vulnerable too, right?

He did not need to show me that smile of his like everything was alright.

He could just admit to himself that he was sad.

"The things that you went through may be cruel," I looked at him straight into the eyes. "But those things made you who you are now. You're not trapped in the cruel world forever, Soo-won. You can change—not because you need to atone for your sins but because you also have the right to be happy,"

Soo-won's eyes were widened but after a second, he smiled once again. "Want to train, Allan?"


Our fight lasted for half an hour and I ended our mock battle using my kusarigama. I threw the chains around his right ankle and pulled it so he would be out of balance. I placed the blade of the kusarigama against his neck.

"I win," I stated the fact.

I removed the chains on his right ankle and stood up to offer him a hand which he gladly took. "I now know why Hak recommended you to be the general," he dusted off the dirt in his clothes.

"You have skills too," I complimented. I guessed that he grew strong mainly because Mundok trained him when he was a child. In our mock battle, he used his spear.

Just as I was walking away from him to get some water, he said something that took me by surprise. "I'm not into the idea of letting a lady protect me but I've got to admit, you're good."

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