Hey, I Know You!

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"Billy Batson, Freddy Freeman to the principal's office please," the school receptionist voice announced over the speaker.

"What did you do," Billy whispered as they walked the hall.

"Me?! You're Captain Make Trouble," Freddy exclaimed.

"And your Super-always-looks-like-He's-up-to-something-boy what's your point?"

The two whisper argued back and forth until they reached the office. The receptionist signaled for them to take a seat and wait for the principal. When she came out of her office she didn't look angry and the boys were even more confused.

"Mr. Batson, Mr. Freeman, I have a very important job for you two," she started, "we have a new student and I'd like the two of you to show her around, make her feel welcome."

"Why us," Freddy asked nervously.

"Well, she's in a similar situation and I feel you two would be best equipped to make her feel welcome around here," she said straightening up.

Freddy still look confused and Billy muttered under his breath, "Foster kid."

"Y/N you can come out now this is -"

"BILLY FREAKING BATSON," you shout as you run to give him a hug.

"Y/N WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE," Billy shouted back excitedly as he hugged her back.

"Language and volume Mr. Batson," the principal warned, "I know I still picked the right two for the job. Carry on."

"You two know each other I take it," Freddy said as he tried to get a look at you.

Billy let you go and explained, "We were in the same home in New York. Before you guys, she was the only other kid I got along with...helped to teach me how to look out for myself."

Freddy went to say something but words caught in his throat as he looked at you. You wore a maroon t-shirt dress with Queen's emblem on it, black fishnets, and black combat boots.

You finally looked from Billy to the boy behind him and it felt as if you were struck down. He had the kindest brown eyes and beautiful curly hair you just wanted to run your fingers through. He radiated good and you found that you couldn't stop staring.

Billy smirked and decided to catalogue this scene for later. "Y/N this is my foster brother Freddy, Freddy this is Y/N," he said happily.

The two of you just nodded and continued staring. The bell rang jolting you and Freddy out of your stupor.

"That's the lunch bell, we can catch up there," Billy said as he opened the door.

When neither one of you moved he said, "You can stare there too guys come on let's go."


"You're really pretty," Darla said sweetly, "It looks like Freddy -"

"Needs to eat," Billy finished quickly, "lunch period doesn't last that long."

"So was Billy always a jerk," Eugene asked as he stuffed French fries into his mouth.

You laughed and side eyed Billy, "So I see you really let your charming side out for these guys."

Billy shrugged.

"So what changed," she asked, "last time I saw you was after we busted out of the Outten's and you were headed towards fifth street....thank you, by the way."

Billy nodded somberly, "I went through 4 more houses before I met these weirdos."

"And your mom?"

"WCS," he said cryptically, "WCS #3 to be exact."

You put a hand on his shoulder and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"What's WCS," Freddy asked.

"Y/N loves playing WCS," Billy said with a bittersweet smile.

"Hey it's gotten me through so far," you said defensively, "WCS is Worse Case Scenario. I analyze the situation I'm in and think of the absolute worst things that could happen and I pick the lesser evil of my options."

"So no BCS," Freddy said jokingly.

"BCS? More like BS," you said with an edge in your voice, "but what can I say I'm a cynic."

"So how long do you think you'll be around," Billy asked.

You glanced at Freddy and adjusted your typical two weeks. He could be worth sticking around a little longer for even if just to look at for a while.

"Probably a month," you said shrugging.

"But we just met and you seem so cool," Darla said sadly.

"You never know," Billy said smirking as he watched you and Freddy continue to steal glances at each other when you thought no one was looking, "these guys have a way of making you want to stay."

You took a sip of your water and looked over at Freddy before saying, "I don't doubt it. So which one of you two has science next?"


"You don't have to walk so fast ya know," you said as you kept up with Freddy easily, "you look like you're getting out of breath. I promise the science lab is still going to be there if you don't run a marathon to get there."

Freddy didn't say anything he just slowed down automatically. His heart was pounding she noticed him overcompensating. He wasn't even embarrassed about it; in fact, he was overjoyed that someone not only saw but cared.

"Introduction time, my favorite," you muttered to him sarcastically as the science teacher waved you to him.

Freddy snickered and went to his typical seat.

"Class we have a new student joining us for the remainder of this year, please Y/N introduce yourself," the teacher said way too enthusiastically.

"My name is Y/N, I enjoy classic rock, Tim Burton movies, and writing twisted stories to ease my disturbed mind," you said as you stared off dramatically in the distance.

Freddy had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

"Ummm okay...well I'm Mr. Wilkes and uh," he started stammering, "why don't we just break up into lab partners. Choose wisely they're your partner for the rest of the year."

Freddy leaned back in his seat sighing thinking, "Another year of being stuck with whoever didn't get picked...."

"Hey bae, I can think of a few other ways to calm that mentally disturbed mind," a tall blonde guy said in a tone meant to be seductive.

You walked right past him as if he didn't exist.

"Hey there partner," you said as you slid in the seat next to Freddy.


"Unless you had another preference," you said coolly.

"No! No, you're perfect...perfect partner material. People say I'm disturbed too," Freddy said and cringed at his last sentence.

"Choice," you said as you smiled and nodded in approval, "of course all extra curricular studies will be at your place though."

Freddy's smile faded. Of course you'd want to be at his place, that's where Billy was.

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