Breaking Point

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You, Billy, and Freddy were walking to their house after school the next Monday. Things were pretty normal until Billy started bringing up the past.

"Did you know Y/N helped me pull my first prank on the cops to try and find my mom," he said as he laughed.

You laughed at the memory too and said, "What made you think of that."

"That billboard for the SPCA," he said cryptically as he pointed at it.

The two of you started cracking up at your inside joke, and Freddy fumed.

"Hey Billy, aren't you supposed to do some research today," Freddy piped up.

"Aren't we both supposed to," Billy shot back in an amused tone.

"No, I'm pretty sure you can handle it on your own," Freddy said not looking at him.

"I've been doing that for a while now, don't you think it's time you pulled your weight again," Billy said with no venom in his voice.

He was enjoying watching Freddy get flustered.

"Is there a homework assignment I'm missing out on," you said in a slight panic.

"No," they both said; Freddy angrily and Billy practically laughing.

"Well, I guess I'm off to do that research... alone," Billy said as he gave Freddy a fake stern look, "you kids have fun."

"Where is he going," you asked confused as you walked into Freddy's house.

"To the Lai....brary," Freddy covered weakly as he went upstairs.

You shut his bedroom door and sat on what had become your beanbag on the floor.

"I've heard library pronounced a lot of ways, but that's a new one," you joked.

Freddy turned red and said rudely, "I'm sorry your boyfriend isn't here and you'll just have to put up with my company today or you can go home. Whatever."

"Freddy, what the hell," you said shocked frozen to your seat.

"I know you guys have history and he gets you and he's good looking and isn't disabled and -"

"Freddy," you said sternly as you stood up and marched over to him poking him in the chest, "shut up! I don't like Billy like that. Yes, we do have a history but not that kind. He's just the only one outside the system who knows..."

"Who knows what," Freddy shot back.

"I WAS SOLD," you shouted.

"What," he asked in a soft voice.

"MY MOM SOLD ME FOR AN OUNCE OF WEED. A FREAKING OUNCE," you yelled before falling back on your bean bag, "I was 11...two months later there was a drug bust and I was found and put in the system. I haven't felt safe since. Billy wouldn't even know if..."

Freddy sat down next to you and put a hand on your shoulder, encouraging you to go on.

"The home we were both in. The foster dad... Mike...he started coming into my room at night. Billy caught him and threatened to report him after he got him off my and kicked him in the balls repeatedly. We planned our escape after that," you finished.

"That's why you don't feel safe with Principal don't know if she'll -"

"I don't trust mothers," you nodded, "except for maybe Rosa...and I never thought I'd say that about anyone."

"I'm so sorry," he said sincerely as he looked in your eyes, "Y/N please stay. I know for a fact that Principal Tyson would never hurt you and I know even more than that that I will never, ever let anyone touch you again that you didn't to touch you."

"That include Billy," you teased.

You couldn't help it; you had to ease the tension and sadness somehow. You didn't expect the fire in Freddy's eyes or how he gulped hard. Through gritted teeth he said, "If you want Billy...of course."

You shook your head and laughed.

"Freddy, you adorable, oblivious idiot," you said as you gulped down your nerves, "I don't want Billy."

"Y-you don't," he said surprised.

You shook your head and reached up a hand to run your fingers through his curls. Your confidence shot up when you saw him noticeably shiver.

"Uh-uh...I want you," you whispered as you brought his face down to yours and kissed him.

When you broke apart he leaned to the side, his wide eyes not leaving yours as he said in a cracked voice, "SHAZAM!"

A bolt of lightning blinded you for a second before a decidedly not-Freddy was looking down at you.

"OH MY GOD," you screamed.

"I can explain," not Freddy said nervously.



He looked at you sheepishly as he was back to normal Freddy. He waited for you to yell at him or to run out. You just stared at him for a bit until the lightbulb came on in your head.

"This makes so much sense," you said slowly as you thought back to their strange disappearances.

He waited for you to say more. Billy was going to kill him. Why was that his go to reaction to your kiss?! Holy crap you kissed him! You said you wanted him!

"Earth to Freddy," you giggled interrupting his thoughts.

"S-Sorry," he stuttered, "so you're not mad?"

"Mad? My boyfriend's a superhero how could I possibly be mad at that," you said smiling.

"Boyfriend," he questioned, voice cracking again.

You looked down, "I mean if you want don't have -"

"I'd love to be your boyfriend," he said proudly as he lifted up your chin to look at him, "but it means you have to stay."

He looked at you with those big brown eyes expectantly, hopefully. You couldn't even pretend to think about it, you totally melted.

"You don't ever have to ask again," you said shakily, "I'll stay."

In a surge of happiness and confidence Freddy leaned down and kissed you deeply.

"It's about damn time," a voice called from the doorway, "you two have been impossible for months. I mean from the time you two met you've been staring at each other all longingly and it's quite frankly disgusting and -"


Superhero Freddy quickly slammed the door and locked it and then in a flash was back at your side on the floor.


"Freddy," Billy said frantically as he pounded on the door, "Freddy!"

"Don't worry your secrets safe with me," you called from the other side of the door, "now go do your research Captain Sparklefingers, I have a boyfriend to makeout with."

"Ew," Billy said as he turned and walked away smiling and shaking his head.

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