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"How the hell is Batman better than Supes," Freddy shouted as he spun around in his desk chair.

"No super powers. Just his brain. You think those gadgets invented and made themselves. Plus he's more aesthetically pleasing," you argued.

"I would've pegged you for an Aquaman fangirl," Freddy said bitterly.

"Well you've pegged me wrong," you retorted in a much more sexual tone than you intended.

Freddy flushed and turned back around in his chair.

"Let's get back to work," he muttered.

Freddy's phone buzzed it was a text from Billy. He was needed or rather Freddy 2.0 was needed. His eyes bugged out and he began stammering.

"I uh, have to go do something...please don't go anywhere," he said pathetically while mentally facepalming himself, "if you get hungry there are snacks in the cabinet next to the fridge...sodas are free game just avoid the Root Beer or Eugene will have a fit - it's his gaming fuel."

"Noted," you chuckled, "and don't worry I don't plan on going back to the place I'm staying anytime soon."

Freddy smiled and hastily left.


It had been an hour since Freddy had left. You stopped working on your project a half hour ago because you'd be damned if you'd end up doing all the work on the first project. You looked around at his superhero collection more in depth. He was more into them than you were, and that surprised you. It was your deepest darkest dorkiest fantasy to have Batman save you only to realize you had it handled so instead he adopts you and you become his sidekick.

The sound of your stomach growling interrupted your daydreaming. Tentatively you went downstairs into the kitchen to the snack cabinet Freddy told you about.

"Oh hello there," Rosa said surprised.

"Hi," you waved awkwardly, "I'm Y/N, Freddy's lab partner. He left for a bit...said it was okay to grab a snack if I got hungry?"

"Y/N, nice to meet you I'm Rosa," she said smiling, "and yes of course grab whatever you like. Would you like to stay for dinner?"

You bit your lip and considered it for a moment, "Would it be too much?"

"No, not at all," Victor said as he came into the kitchen, "once you've hit 8 people around the table it's not hard to accommodate more."

"Wow you guys collect kids like some people collect garbage pail kid stickers," you muttered.

"Garbage Pail Kids? Girl what do you know about garbage pail kids," Victor said impressed.

You froze, you hadn't meant to be heard.

"That's a throwback I haven't heard of in a while," Rosa said fondly.

"My uncle collected them...gave them to me," you said softly as you turned to rummage through the snack cabinet.

"Your uncle sounds like a cool dude," Victor chuckled.

"Yea," you said as you grabbed a pack of trail mix and ran up the stairs.


"How did you get here," you asked bewildered as you shut the bedroom door.

"Walked," Billy said sarcastically from his bunk.

"Holy crap! When did you get here! You guys...I should've seen you guys...I was just downstairs," you said slowly.

"Calm down," Billy said nonchalantly, "maybe you're just not as alert as you used to be."

You picked up a pillow and threw it at him. "Boy, I'm the one who busted us out last time. You were about to stroll out All determination and no attention to your surroundings at all. Not as alert...psh whatever," you grumbled.

"Gee, don't know what that's like at all," Freddy said cryptically while looking at Billy.

"Maybe my determination has more merit that you guys would like to admit. Maybe my determination is what gets things done," Billy shot back.

"Maybe determination without focus is dangerous," Freddy shot back.

"Maybe if other people weren't so sloppy at their work cause they wanted to be somewhere else I wouldn't have to be so determined," Billy retorted.

"Maybe if -" Freddy began.

"Maybe you two would like to be alone," you piped up, "I can wait for dinner downstairs if y'all wanna hash this out. Or you can start pulling your weight Freddy and we can get to work."

The two looked from each other to you. Freddy put his head down, "Right...sorry."


"All hands on deck," Victor said as everyone put their hands one on top of the other.

You sat there bug eyed feeling awkward as Freddy looked at you warmly clearly amused at your nervousness.

"Thank you for this food. Thank you for this day. Thank you for Y/N. I hope Freddy doesn't scare her away," Victor said with a wink.

"Hey," Freddy said defensively.

"Don't worry, Freddy isn't scary," you said with an unreadable look on your face.

"Oh yea just wait til he start spouting his weird facts," Eugene laughed as Pedro nodded in support.

"What was that thing about the Romans," Mary teased.

"They brushed their teeth with their own urine and it worked, so," Freddy said confused where they were going with this.

"Did you know that the average person walks past 16 murderers in their lifetime," you said seriously.

Everyone went quiet. Darla dropped her fork and gasped.

"Yes," Freddy said fascinated as he leaned across the table a bit towards you, "Yes I did know that."

"Oh great now there's two of them," Eugene groaned.

"You have no idea," Billy said into his cup before he took a drink.

"What was that Batson," you said.

"Nothing. Not. A. Thing," Billy said barely containing a smile.

Freddy's smile faded again as he watched the two of you banter...until you said something that caused him to light up like a Christmas tree.

"At least Freddy gets me," you said as you took your last bite, "we should get back to work - no interruptions Batson - ready Freddy?"

"Yea," he said excitedly practically tripping over himself to get out of his seat.

Everyone watched as the two of you took your plates out and then headed to the stairs.

"Thank you for dinner," you called as you walked up the stairs with Freddy right behind you.

"You're welcome," Victor said smiling until he heard the door shut then he whistled low, "Freddy's got it bad."

"I'm not ready for this," Rosa chuckled as she shook her head and looked to Billy, "she seems good though."

"The best," Billy confirmed, "she just doesn't know that."

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