《I Got Him》

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Y/N's Pov

I put the gift on the bed and finished brushing my hair.  I have to wake up Prince, again; I've tried twice already and he still hasn't budged. I swear the guy sleeps like a hibernating Bear...

I went to the living room and shake him hard this time.

"Mmmm??" He stirred

"Get up I'm leaving."

"I'm up." He mumbled into the cushion. I left him and went back into the room. I started applying lotion to my skin...

Prince dragged himself into the room and flopped down on the bed as I started spraying on perfume.

He lifts his head off the bed and looked at me, "Where you going??"

"Out." I said while fixing my cleavage in front of the mirror.

"With who??" He sat up on the bed

"Just an old friend from high school. " I said and took up my phone to check my messages.

"Oh, who??" He asked smiling

"Oh, you don't know him." I smiled down at my phone

"O... Oh... It's a him." His face got hard, "You telling me, you about to leave your boyfriend, to go out with some dude, on Valentines day. Is he the one making you smile now?? "

I didn't answer him I put my phone on the bed and started fixing the roses in the bag.

He took up the phone as it flashed and a message came in.

He looked at me then at the phone.

"Y/N, who is Dustin?? And why is he sending you heart emojis??" He asked obviously trying to contain his anger.

"I told you, he's my friend." I took up two pair of slippers and hold them at my waist. "Now, which one you think looks better with the rumper, the white or the silver??" I asked him smiling madly.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." He looked at me with his eyebrows knitted. "Fuck wrong witchu!!?" He took the slippers from me and throw them through the door out in the hallway.

"Prince, what is wrong with you??"

"No, what's wrong with you." He opened the phone and touched god knows what, then put the phone to his ears.


"Why isn't he answering?" He looked at me pissed as fuck... He took the phone from his ears and look at it. "I'm on my way..." he looked up at me, "Babe??" I can bet he's seeing red at the moment. "He's calling you Babe??"

I smiled at him and jumped "Oh my god, he's on his way, I have to hurry and finish getting ready."

"What the fuck you tryna do Y/N??" Prince got up in the blink of an eye and pushed me on the bed.

"Prince stop!!" I yelled trying to get serious,

"Don't call my fucking name out ya mouth bruh." He started going through the gift. "Chardonnay??" He looked at me then dipped in the bag again "Loui V watch..." He laughed dryly

"Jacob I spent alot of time fixing those right... Stop." I complained when he started dumping the roses on the bed.

I reached out to stop him and Prince's strong hand gripped my throat and made me lie on the bed.

"What you tryna do?? Huh??" He looked straight into my eyes and started squeezing my throat tightly.

Ohkay, I'm done, I got him.

"Babe, stop, you're hurting me." I managed to say.

He squeezed tighter and I had to kick him away.

"Fuck... Stop." I coughed and rubbed my throat.

He walked away and I looked at my neck in the mirror, a bruise was bound to come up..

But I got him. He almost killed me, but I got him."

I took up the camera from under the piles of clothes, grabbed my phone and walked out the room to find Princeton.

He wasn't in the living room or the kitchen...

"Babe??" I called out and found my self laughing.

I saw that the back door was was slightly ajar I opened it and saw Prince on the back steps...

"Babe, say Hi."

He turned around and looked right up into the camera, then at my grinning face.

"Get away from me." Is all he said looking at my face

"It's was my sister, Babe. Look." I hand him the phone showing the messages with me and 'Dustin' planning the prank. All I did was change my sisters name in the phone and we sent sweet messages to build up to now.

He took the phone and read the messages, then looked at me.

"All this time, y'all was planning to prank me."

"Yea." I laughed. "We got you, right??"

"What is wrong with you." He got up and hissed is teeth, "Let me see your neck, bruh." He lifted my head to examine my neck, "Look what you made me do, there's gonna be a mark, you play to much man." He kissed my neck, "I'm sorry though."

I smiled up at him, "I got you though, gimme kiss." He put his lips to mines and gave me a quick kiss.

"Go take the damn make up off. You look like Penny Wise." He walked off... I gasped and laughed, if he was serious I would've felt hurt but he's just mad. I turned the camera on him and walked behind him.

"Your just mad cause I got you, and I got you good too."

"Whatever." He turned into the room

"How'd you feel??" I asked him giggling.

"I wanna sleep." He grumbled and pushed the things one side on the bed and lied down on his back.

I fixed the camera on both of us then went on the bed and snuggled up beside him.

"I love you Babe... Even if you did try to kill me."

"Shut up... And I'm still mad at you."

"What, why??"

"You want somebody name Dustin."

I looked at him and started laughing, "Your ridiculous."

"Can you stop recording now."

"Tell the lovely people that I got you good."

"Ugghh," he sighed, "She got me real good okay... But imma get her ass back even better... So stay tuned. Like, Comment, Share and if your not apart of the gang feel free to join, by just clicking the Subscribe button below. Peace." He put up the peace sign and I followed suit, then end the video and saved it.

"The gift is yours, Babe. Happy Valentines day." I said and kissed his chin.

"I don't want it, give it to Dustin." He turned away from me.

"Babe??" I squealed and laugh at him.

"And I'm cancelling that dinner for tonight."

"Jacob, No."


I'm thinking about doing a Youtube Channel...

What'd you think??

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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